ஸ்ரீ நிலமங்கைநாச்சியார் ஸமேத ஸ்ரீ ஸ்தலசயனத்துறைவான் ஸ்வாமிநே நமஹ
This Place
This temple is located in Mahabalipuram, a treasure trove of Pallava art. In the Sangam period, it was referred to as Neerpayal and Salasayanam.
In this temple, the presiding deity, Sthalasayana Perumal, is in a reclining posture with four arms. In the main sanctum, the Lord is depicted lying on the ground without Adisesha (the
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இத்தலம், பல்லவ வேந்தர்களின் கலைக் களஞ்சியமான மகாபலிபுரத்தில் இருக்கிறது. சங்க காலத்திலேயே நீர்ப்பாயல், சலசயனம் என்று குறிக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது.
இந்த ஆலயத்தில் ஸ்தல சயனப் பெருமாள் கிடந்த திருக்கோலத்தில், நான்கு திருக்கரங்களுடன் தனது மூலஸ்தானத்தில் ஸ்ரீதேவி, பூதேவி என்ற தேவிமார்கள் எவரும் + Read more
1088 ## பார் ஆயது உண்டு உமிழ்ந்த பவளத் தூணைப் * படு கடலில் அமுதத்தை பரி வாய் கீண்ட சீரானை * எம்மானை தொண்டர் தங்கள் சிந்தையுள்ளே * முளைத்து எழுந்த தீம் கரும்பினை ** போர் ஆனைக் கொம்பு ஒசித்த போர் ஏற்றினை * புணர் மருதம் இற நடந்த பொன் குன்றினை * கார் ஆனை இடர் கடிந்த கற்பகத்தைக் * கண்டது நான் கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனத்தே 1
1088. In Kadalmallai Thalasayanam I saw the lord, strong as a bull,
sweet as the nectar from the milky ocean,
generous as the Karpaga tree, bright like a golden hill,
sweet as sugarcane in the hearts of his devotees,
precious as a coral pillar,
who swallowed all the worlds and spit them out,
split open the mouth of the Asuran that came as a horse,
broke the tusks of the elephant Kuvalayābeedam
and walked between the marudam trees and broke them
and who saved Gajendra from the crocodile.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
pārāyadhu — all of earth (during deluge); uṇdu — consumed; umizhndha — mercifully let it out; paval̤am — being desirable for all similar to coral; thūṇai — being the sustainer; padu — where pearls etc originate; kadalil — in ocean; amudhaththai — being enjoyable similar to nectar, one who is mercifully resting; pari — of the horse, a form taken by the demon kĕṣi; vāy — mouth; kīṇda — tore; sīrān — one who has the wealth of valour (due to that act); emmānai — being my lord; thoṇdar thangal̤ — those who surrendered unto him, their; sindhaiyul̤l̤ĕ — in the hearts; mul̤aiththu — having been born; ezhundha — which nurtured; thīm — enjoyable; karumbinai — one who is sweet like sugarcane; pŏr — set to battle; ānai — the elephant named kuvalayāpīdam, its; kombu osiththa — who broke the tusk; pŏr ĕṝinai — one who is like a lion in battle; puṇar — being united; marudham — the two marudha trees; iṛa — to snap and fall down; nadandha — one who entered in between those trees; pon kunṛinai — one who is beautiful like a golden mountain; kār — huge; ānai — ṣrī gajĕndhrāzhwān-s; idar — danger; kadindha — one who eliminated; kaṛpagaththai — the most magnanimous emperumān who grants the desires similar to a kalpaka tree; thalasayanam — sthala sayanam (where he rests on the ground); kadal mallai — in thirukkadalmallai; nān kaṇdadhu — ī got to see
1089 ## பூண்டு அவத்தம் பிறர்க்கு அடைந்து தொண்டு பட்டுப் * பொய்ந் நூலை மெய்ந் நூல் என்று என்றும் ஓதி மாண்டு * அவத்தம் போகாதே வம்மின் * எந்தை என் வணங்கப்படுவானை ** கணங்கள் ஏத்தும் நீண்ட வத்தை கரு முகிலை எம்மான் தன்னை * நின்றவூர் நித்திலத்தை தொத்து ஆர் சோலை * காண்டவத்தைக் கனல் எரிவாய்ப் பெய்வித்தானைக் * கண்டது நான் கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனத்தே 2
1089. Don’t believe in those who do tapas to other gods and serve them
and don’t trust their false books as true
or believe in their teachings and destroy yourselves.
Come to our dark cloud-colored lord in Thirunindravur,
who is a precious pearl and good tapas
worshiped by all the ganas in Kāndavanam where he burned Indra’s gardens.
I saw him in Kadalmallai Thalasayanam.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
avaththam — some useless acts; pūṇdu — taking up; piṛarkku — for lowly people; adaindhu — holding on (to them); thoṇdupattu — serving; poy — false; nūlai — scriptures of those who reject vĕdham; ŏdhi — learning (those); mey nūl enṛum — believing to be true meanings; māṇdu — being finished; avaththam — useless; pŏgāmal — not becoming; vammin — come (to become liberated);; endhai — being my father; en — for those who are like me; vaṇangap paduvānai — one who is easily approachable and surrendered to; kaṇangal̤ — by the groups of wise people; ĕththum — one who is praised; nīṇda aththai — being that entity which is inconceivable; karumugilai — one who has dark cloud like complexion; ninṛavūr — in thiruninṛavūr; niththilaththai — one who has a cool form like a collection of pearls; thoththu — flower bunches; ār — being abundant; sŏlai — having garden; kāṇdavaththai — kāṇdava forest; kanal — shining; eri — fire-s; vāy — in the mouth; peyviththānai — one who made to enter; emmān thannai — sarvĕṣvaran; thalasayanam — sthala sayanam (where he rests on the ground); kadal mallai — in thirukkadalmallai; nān kaṇdadhu — ī got to see
1090 உடம்பு உருவில் மூன்று ஒன்றாய் மூர்த்தி வேறு ஆய் * உலகு உய்ய நின்றானை அன்று பேய்ச்சி * விடம் பருகு வித்தகனைக் கன்று மேய்த்து * விளையாட வல்லானை வரைமீ கானில் ** தடம் பருகு கரு முகிலைத் தஞ்சைக் கோயில் * தவ நெறிக்கு ஓர் பெரு நெறியை வையம் காக்கும் * கடும் பரிமேல் கற்கியை நான் கண்டுகொண்டேன் * கடி பொழில் சூழ் கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனத்தே 3
1090. The dark cloud-colored lord, the protector of the world
who drank milk from the breasts of Putanā and killed her
and grazed the calves and played with them,
is himself the three gods, Nānmuhan, Shivā and Indra, but different than them.
He will show the divine path for his devotees
so they can go to the Thanjai Māmani temple and worship him.
I saw the lord who will come to the earth on a horse as Kalki
in Kadalmallai Thalasayanam surrounded with thick groves
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
உலகு — ஸ்ருஷ்டி (பிரம்மா) ஸ்திதி (விஷ்ணு) லயம் (சிவன்) ஆகிய காலங்களில் உலகை; உய்ய — காப்பாற்றுபவனாய்; உடம்பு — சரீரம்; உருவில் — என்று பார்த்தால்; மூன்று ஒன்றாய் — மூவரையும் தனக்கு சரீரமாய்; மூர்த்தி — ஆத்மா என்று பார்த்தால்; வேறு ஆய் — பிரம்மாவும் சிவனும் வேறு வேறு ஆத்மாக்களாக; நின்றானை — நின்றவனை; அன்று — கிருஷ்ணாவதாரத்தில்; பேய்ச்சி — பூதனையின்; விடம் பருகு — விஷம் கலந்த பாலை குடித்த; வித்தகனை — ஆச்சர்ய சேஷ்டிதனை; கன்று — கன்றுகளை; மேய்த்து — மேய்த்து; விளையாட — விளையாடுவதற்காக அவதரித்த; வல்லானை — கண்ணனை; வரைமீ — மலைமேலுள்ள; கானில் — காடுகளிலே; தடம் — குளங்களில் கன்றுகளுக்கு நீர் குடிக்க; பருகு — கற்றுகொடுத்து தானும் நீர் குடித்தவனும்; கரு முகிலை — காளமேகம் போன்றவனும்; தஞ்சைக் — தஞ்சை; கோயில் — மாமணிக்கோயிலிலே இருக்கும்; தவ நெறிக்கு — தன்னை அடைய; ஓர் பெரு — சிறந்த பெரிய; நெறியை — உபாயமென தானாக நிற்பவனும்; வையம் — உலகத்தை; காக்கும் — காப்பதற்காக; கடும் பரிமேல் — மிகுந்த வேகத்தையுடைய குதிரையின் மீது; கற்கியை — கல்கியவதாரம் செய்யும் எம்பெருமானை; நான் — நான்; கண்டுகொண்டேன் — கண்டுகொண்டேன்; கடி — மணம்மிக்க; பொழில் — சோலைகள்; சூழ் — சூழ்ந்த; கடல்மல்லைத் — திருக்கடல் மல்லை; தலசயனத்தே — தலசயனத்தில்
udambu — body-s; uruvil — in the form; mūnṛu — three; ulagu uyya — for the protection of the world; onṛāy — in a singular form; mūrththi — true nature; vĕṛāy — being different; ninṛānai — one who stands; anṛu — during krishṇāvathāram; pĕychchi — pūthanā-s; vidam — poisonous milk; parugu — one who drank; viththaganai — amaśing; kanṛu — calves; mĕyththu — tended; vil̤aiyāda vallānai — one who incarnated to play; varaimī — atop the hill; kānil — in the forests; thadam — in the ponds, to train the calves to drink water, he would demonstrate that by folding his hands in the back; parugu — one who mercifully drinks water; karumugilai — one who resembles a dark cloud; thanjaik kŏyil — one who is mercifully present in thanjaimāmaṇikkŏyil; thava neṛikku — among the upāyams (means) (which are pursued to attain him); ŏr peru neṛiyai — one who remains the greatest means; vaiyam — all the worlds; kākkum — to protect; kadu — having great speed; pari mĕl — on the horse; kaṛkiyai — one who mercifully incarnated as kalki; kadi — guarded; pozhil — garden; sūzh — surrounded; thalasayanam — sthala sayanam (where he rests on the ground); kadal mallai — in thirukkadalmallai; nān kaṇdu koṇdĕn — ī got to see
1091. In Kadalmallai Thalasayanam surrounded with thick groves
I saw the god who drank milk from the breasts of Putanā and killed her,
broke the tusks of the strong elephant Kuvalayābeedam
and stole the butter that Yashodā, his doe-eyed mother, churned and kept in the uri.
He, sweet nectar for Vediyars, danced the kuravai dance on a pot
and carried Govardhanā mountain to protect the cows and the cowherds.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1092. In Kadalmallai Thalasayanam surrounded with thick groves
I saw the sapphire-colored lord with four mountain-like arms,
the beloved of the earth goddess who embraces her arms,
broke the cart and killed Sakatasuran,
lay on a banyan leaf when he was a child,
went as a messenger for the Pāndavās to the Kauravās
and fought and killed the wrestlers sent by Kamsan.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1093. Our lord, my father who rests on many-headed Adisesha on the ocean,
broke the tusks of the elephant Kuvalayābeedam,
took the form of a boar with curving tusks,
split open the underworld and brought the earth goddess up,
and measured the earth and the sky
with his two feet at Mahābali’s sacrifice.
He stays in Kadalmallai Thalasayanam
surrounded with thick groves and I saw him there.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1094. The lord who rests on the roaring ocean and rides on Garudā
crushed the mountain-like arms of the strong undefeated Rākshasas
and killed their king of Lankā, Rāvana,
took the form of a man-lion and split open the chest of the Asuran Hiranyan,
and drank the poisonous milk of Putanā and killed her.
He stays in Kadalmallai Thalasayanam surrounded with thick groves,
and in the hearts of those who think of him
and I searched for him and found him there.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
anṛu — when rāvaṇa crossed his limits; pĕṇādha — those did not respect ṣrī rāma to be sarvĕṣvaran; vali — strong; arakkar — rākshasas; peru — huge; varai — mountain like; thŏl̤ — shoulders; iṛa — to break; neriththu — embraced; anṛu — when his devotee prahlādha was harmed; avuṇar kŏnai — the leader of demons, hiraṇya, his; pūṇ — decorated with ornaments; āgam — chest; pŏr — in the battle; pil̤aveduththa — one who split and threw; vallŏnai — one who is capable; poru — having rising waves; kadalul̤ — in thiruppāṛkadal (milk ocean); thuyil amarndha — being the one who mercifully rested; pul̤ ūrdhiyai — being the one who rides garuda; pĕy mulai — present in pūthanā-s bosom; nanju — poison; ūṇāga — as food which sustains him; uṇdān thannai — being the one who mercifully consumed; ul̤l̤uvār — those who become immersed in him by thinking about his killing of pūthanā; ul̤l̤aththu — in the heart; uṛaiginṛānai — one who remains firmly; kāṇādhu — without seeing; thiridharuvĕn nān — ī who searched; kadi — fragrant; pozhil — by garden; sūzh — surrounded; thalasayanaththu — in sthala sayanam (where he rests on the ground); kadal mallai — in thirukkadalmallai; nān kaṇdu koṇdĕn — ī got to see
1095. He came as Mohini and gave nectar to the gods,
cheating the Asurans when the milky ocean was churned,
and he took the form of a mighty man-lion with teeth like crescent moons
and split open the chest of Hiranyan.
As large as Thiru Meyyam mountain, he rests on the ocean
surrounded by cool abundant water on many-headed Adisesha.
The lord who has long beautiful lotus eyes
stays in Kadalmallai Thalasayanam surrounded with thick groves
where all devotees think of him and there is no limit to his fame.
I found him there.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1096 தொண்டு ஆயர் தாம் பரவும் அடியினானை * படி கடந்த தாளாளற்கு ஆள் ஆய் உய்தல் விண்டானை * தென் இலங்கை அரக்கர் வேந்தை * விலங்கு உண்ண வலங் கைவாய்ச் சரங்கள் ஆண்டு ** பண்டு ஆய வேதங்கள் நான்கும் * ஐந்து வேள்விகளும் கேள்வியோடு அங்கம் ஆறும் கண்டானைத * தொண்டனேன் கண்டுகொண்டேன் * கடி பொழில் சூழ் கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனத்தே 9
1096. The lord whose feet his devotees praise
measured the world at the sacrifice of Mahābali
and he killed the king of the Raksasas of the southern Lankā.
He taught the sages, all the four ancient Vedās,
the five sacrifices, the six Upanishads and all the other sastras
and he stays in Kadalmallai Thalasayanam surrounded with thick groves,
and I, his devotee, saw him there.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1097 ## பட நாகத்து அணைக் கிடந்து அன்று அவுணர் கோனைப் * பட வெகுண்டு மருது இடை போய் பழன வேலி * தடம் ஆர்ந்த கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனத்துத் * தாமரைக்கண் துயில் அமர்ந்த தலைவன் தன்னை ** கடம் ஆரும் கருங் களிறு வல்லான் * வெல் போர்க் கலிகன்றி ஒலிசெய்த இன்பப் பாடல் * திடம் ஆக இவை ஐந்தும் ஐந்தும் வல்லார் * தீவினையை முதல் அரிய வல்லார் தாமே 10
1097. Kaliyan, a warrior in battles with ability to control strong elephants dripping with ichor,
composed ten sweet musical pāsurams
on the god of Kadalmallai Thalasayanam
who rests on the snake Adisesha on the ocean,
killed Hiranyan, the king of the Asurans
and went between the marudu trees, angrily killing the Asurans.
If devotees learn and recite these ten pāsurams well
they will not have the results of their karmā.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1098. I will not spend even the time it takes to blink
thinking of those who do not think of my god
who took the form of Mohini
and gave to the gods the nectar that came from the milky ocean,
cheating the sword-carrying Asurans, the enemies of the demigods.
He stays in beautiful cool Kadalmallai Thalasayanam
surrounded by the large ocean.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
naṇṇādha — those who did not approach him; vāl̤ — having sword; avuṇaridai — amidst the asuras (demons); peṇṇāgip pukku — entering with a feminine disguise; vānavarai — dhĕvas (saintly persons); amudhu ūttum — one who feeds nectar; perumānār — having greatness; maruva — to remain firmly; iniya — being an enjoyable abode; thaṇ ārndha — remaining cool always; kadal — present on the seashore; mallai — in ṣrī mallāpuri; thala sayanaththu — on the divine mattress which is the ground; uṛaivārai — one who mercifully reclines; eṇṇādhu — without thinking about; iruppārai — those who remain in that dhivyadhĕṣam; iṛaippozhudhum — even for a moment; eṇṇŏm — we will not think about
1099 பார் வண்ண மட மங்கை * பனி நல் மா மலர்க் கிழத்தி நீர் வண்ணன் மார்வத்தில் * இருக்கையை முன் நினைந்து அவன் ஊர் கார்வண்ண முது முந்நீர்க் * கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனம் ஆர் எண்ணும் நெஞ்சு உடையார் * அவர் எம்மை ஆள்வாரே 2
1099. Those devotees who think in their hearts
and worship the cloud-colored lord of Kadalmallai thalasayanam
who keeps beautiful Lakshmi
on his chest seated on a fresh lotus dripping with dew
and at his side the earth goddess
are my chiefs and my rulers.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
pār vaṇṇam — having earth as her form; madam — having noble qualities; mangai — ṣrī bhūmip pirātti; nīr vaṇṇan — nīrvaṇṇan-s (the one who is as cool as ocean); irukkaiyai — being seated (on his left side); pani — cool; nal — beautiful; mā — best; malark kizhaththi — periya pirātti (ṣrī mahālakshmi) who is having reddish lotus flower as her birth place; mārvagaththil irukkaiyai — being seated on the right side of his divine chest; mun — first; ninaindhu — thought; avan — bhagavān for whom even purushakāram (recommendation) is excessive, his; ūr — being the town; kār vaṇṇam — having black complexion; mudhu — ancient; mun nīr — near the ocean; kadal mallai — in thirukkadalamallai; thalasayanam — reclining on the ground; eṇṇum nenju udaiyār ār — those who have the minds which meditate on; avar — them; emmai — us; āl̤vār — can rule.
1100. My chiefs and my rulers are the devotees
who in their hearts worship the cloud-colored lord,
the light of knowledge who took the form of a boar
and brought the earth goddess from the underworld, embracing her.
The gods in the sky happily come,
circle his temple and worship him
in Kadalmallai Thalasayanam surrounded by forests.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1101 விண்டாரைவென்று ஆவிவிலங்குண்ண * மெல்லியலார் கொண்டாடும்மல்லகலம் அழலேறவெஞ்சமத்துக் கண்டாரை * கடல்மல்லைத்தலசயனத்துஉறைவாரை * கொண்டாடும்நெஞ்சுடையார் அவர் எங்கள் குலதெய்வமே.
1101 விண்டாரை வென்று ஆவி * விலங்கு உண்ண மெல் இயலார் கொண்டாடும் மல் அகலம் * அழல் ஏற வெம் சமத்துக் கண்டாரை கடல்மல்லைத் * தலசயனத்து உறைவாரை கொண்டாடும் நெஞ்சு உடையார் * அவர் எங்கள் குலதெய்வமே 4
1101. The devotees are our family gods
who worship in their hearts
the god of Kadalmallai Thalasayanam
who heroically fought a cruel war,
defeated his enemies and left their bodies for animals to eat
as the warriors’ bodies that had been loved by their wives were burned.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1102 பிச்சச் சிறு பீலிச் * சமண் குண்டர் முதலாயோர் விச்சைக்கு இறை என்னும் * அவ் இறையைப் பணியாதே கச்சிக் கிடந்தவன் ஊர் * கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனம் நச்சித் தொழுவாரை * நச்சு என் தன் நல் நெஞ்சே 5
1102. O my good heart!
Praise and love the devotees
who do not worship god of the Jains
who carry an umbrella and a small peacock feather.
Only love and worship our lord of Kachi
in Kadalmallai Thalasayanam.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
pichcham — bunch of peacock wings; siṛu — small; peeli — having peacock feather; samaṇ guṇdar — the lowly amaṇas (jainas); mudhalāyŏr — et al; vichchaikku — for all knowledge; iṛai ennum — will have someone as the controller;; avviṛaiyai — such person who is established by them; paṇiyādhu — without surrendering unto; kachchi — in thiruvehkā; kidandhavan — one who is mercifully reclining in; ūr — the abode (where emperumān arrived for the sake of his devotee, puṇdarīka); kadal mallaith thala sayanam — (mercifully reclining) in sthalasayanam in thirukkadalmallai; nachchi — desiring; thozhuvārai — those who worship; endhan — my; nenjĕ — ŏh mind!; nachchu — (you too) desire and worship
1103. O ignorant heart,
embrace and worship the devotees
who circle the temple and worship the god
of Kadalmallai Thalasayanam
where ships bring golden treasure,
piles of the nine precious jewels,
and herds of large elephants
and unload them on the sea shore.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1104. O my pure heart!
Worship the devotees who keep in their hearts
the lord of Kadalmallai Thalasayanam
who was born on the earth as a small baby
and who drank the poisonous milk of scheming Putanā
when she came as a mother,
and fought and conquered his enemy Kamsan.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
panji — soft like cotton; siṛu — small; kūzhai — having hair; uruvāgi — having a form; maruvādha — not aligning; vanjam — having mischief; peṇ — pūthanā-s; nanju — poison in her bosom; uṇda — mercifully consumed; aṇṇal — being the lord of all; mun — previously; naṇṇādha — one who did not approach and surrender; kanjai — kamsa-s thoughts; kadandhavan — krishṇa who crossed, his; kadal mallaith thala sayanam — merciful reclining in sthalasayanam in thirukkadalmallai; nenjil — with their heart; thozhuvārai — those who worship; en — obedient towards me; thūy — very pure; nenjĕ — ŏh heart!; thozhuvāy — try to worship
1105 செழு நீர் மலர்க் கமலம் * திரை உந்து வன் பகட்டால் உழும் நீர் வயல் உழவர் உழப் * பின் முன் பிழைத்து எழுந்த கழு நீர் கடி கமழும் * கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனம் தொழும் நீர் மனத்தவரைத் * தொழுவாய் என் தூய் நெஞ்சே 8
1105. O my pure heart!
Worship the devotees
who worship the god in their hearts
of Kadalmallai Thalasayanam
where beautiful lotuses in the flourishing water
crushed by the farmers plowing with bulls
and Red Indian water-lily blossoms that escaped the plows
both spread their fragrance on the shore.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1106 பிணங்கள் இடு காடு அதனுள் * நடம் ஆடு பிஞ்ஞகனோடு இணங்கு திருச் சக்கரத்து * எம் பெருமானார்க்கு இடம் விசும்பில் கணங்கள் இயங்கும் மல்லைக் * கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனம் வணங்கும் மனத்தார் அவரை * வணங்கு என் தன் மட நெஞ்சே 9
1106. O my ignorant heart!
Worship the devotees of him
who carries a divine discus in his hands
and keeps Shivā, dancer on the burning ground on his left side.
He rests on Adisesha on the ocean in Kadalmallai Thalasayanam
where the gods in the sky come and worship him happily.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1107 ## கடி கமழும் நெடு மறுகின் * கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனத்து அடிகள் அடியே நினையும் * அடியவர்கள் தம் அடியான் வடி கொள் நெடு வேல் வலவன் * கலிகன்றி ஒலி வல்லார் முடி கொள் நெடு மன்னவர் தம் * முதல்வர் முதல் ஆவாரே 10
1107. Kaliyan, the warrior with a long spear,
the devotee of the devotees who always think of him,
composed ten pāsurams on the devotees of the god
of Kadalmallai Thalasayanam
that has long streets where flowers spread their fragrance.
If devotees worship his devotees
and learn and recite the pāsurams of Thirumangai
they will become kings of kings.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1195. You who rest on Adisesha on the wide ocean
filled with conches on the shore in Kadalmallai
entered my heart and gave me your grace.
If you want to leave my heart, I will not let you.
You stay in Thiruvāli where sweet bees
embrace fragrant shenbaga and jasmine blossoms
and then go to play among the tender leaves of young palm trees.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1551 புள் வாய் பிளந்த * புனிதா என்று அழைக்க * உள்ளே நின்று * என் உள்ளம் குளிரும் ஒருவா! ** கள்வா! * கடல்மல்லைக் கிடந்த கரும்பே * வள்ளால் உன்னை * எங்ஙனம் நான் மறக்கேனே? 4
1551. When I called you, the Lord of Naraiyur and said,
“O faultless one, you split open the beak of the bird, ”
you entered my heart and gave me peace.
You are unique, you are a thief,
you are sweet as sugarcane like in Kadalmallai, you are generous,
you rest on the ocean in Thirumāllai.
How could I forget you?
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
2050 பிண்டி ஆர் மண்டை ஏந்திப் * பிறர் மனை திரிதந்து உண்ணும் * முண்டியான் சாபம் தீர்த்த * ஒருவன் ஊர் ** உலகம் ஏத்தும் கண்டியூர் அரங்கம் மெய்யம் * கச்சி பேர் மல்லை என்று மண்டினார் * உய்யல் அல்லால் * மற்றையார்க்கு உய்யல் ஆமே? 19
2050. When the skull of the Nānmuhan on the lotus
was stuck to Shivā's hand
and he wandered among houses begging for food,
our lord removed the curse of Shivā and made it fall off.
If devotees go to Thirukkandiyur, Srirangam,
Thirumeyyam, Thirukkachi, Thirupper (Koiladi)
and Thirukkadalmallai,
and worship him, they will be saved.
How can others be saved if they do not worship him?
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
2060. You stay in Thirukadalmallai on the ocean
where ships bring precious diamonds
and in Thirukkachi surrounded with forts and in Thirupper (Koiladi).
As part of your body, you have Shivā,
adorned with a beautiful kondrai garland dripping with honey
who shares his body with Shakthi, the daughter of the king of the Himalayas.
You, the highest in the world, beautiful as coral (Thiruppavalavannā),
rest on Adisesha on the milky ocean
and stay on the peak of the Himalayas, the snow mountains.
I, a poor man, wander everywhere looking for you.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
munneer mallaiyāy — ŏh ŏne who lives in thiruk kadal mallai (dhivya dhĕsam, modern day mahābalipuram) by the shore; māmaṇi vandhu undhu — which brings and pushes the best gems; vangaththāl̤ — by ships!; madhil̤ kachchi ūrāy — ŏh ŏne who lives in the city of kānchee having divine ramparts / walls!; pĕrāy — ŏh ŏne having divine presence in the city of thiruppĕr!; kula varaiyan madappāvai idappāl koṇdān pangaththāy — ŏh ŏne having on one side (of ḥis body) the rudhran who is having in the left side (of his body) acquiescent/beautiful pārvathi, who is the daughter of himavān who is the best of kings,; kongath ār val̤am konṛai alangal mārvan — and such (rudhran is ) having in ḥis chest the garland of koṇṛai flower that is having honey and much beauty.; pārkadalāy — ŏh ŏne who is resting in the divine milky ocean!; pārin mĕlāy — ŏh ŏne who incarnated in the earth (for doing good to those living here)!; pani varaiyin uchchiyāy — ŏh ŏne who stood at the top of cool divine thirumalai (thiruvĕnkatam)!; paval̤a vaṇṇā — ŏh ŏne having pleasant divine body like a coral!; engu uṝāy — where have ẏou gone in to?; emperumān — ŏn my lord!; unnai nādi — searching for ẏou,; ĕzhaiyĕn — adiyen having the wish in vain, am; uzhithargĕnĕ — roaming; inganamĕ — in these ways only.
2251. The places of our heroic lord,
skilled in shooting arrows and conquering his enemies,
are Thanjai Māmani koil, which is the hearts of his devotees,
divine Srirangam and Thiruthangā, the cool milky ocean,
Thirukkadalmallai praised by devotees,
Thirukkovalur and Thirukkudandai surrounded with walls.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
thamar ul̤l̤am — devotees’ heart; thanjai — thanjai māmaṇik kŏyil [a divine abode in thanjāvūr]; thalai arangam — (among all divine places) most special thiruvarangam; thaṇkāl — thiruththaṇkāl [a divine abode near present day sivakāsi]; thamar ul̤l̤um — what the followers have thought of (as everything for them); thaṇ poruppu — the cool thirumalai (thiruvĕngadam); vĕlai — thiruppāṛkadal (milky ocean); thamar ul̤l̤um — places meditated upon by followers; māmallai — thirukkadal mallai [mahābalipuram]; kŏval — thirukkŏvalūr; madhil̤ kudandhai — kudandhai [kumbakŏṇam] with divine fortified walls; ĕ valla endhaikku idam enbar — [his followers] will say are the residences for chakravarthy thirumagan (ṣrī rāma) who is an expert at shooting arrows.
2706 ## கார் ஆர் திருமேனி காணும் அளவும் போய் * சீர் ஆர் திருவேங்கடமே திருக்கோவலூரே * மதிள் கச்சி ஊரகமே பேரகமே * பேரா மருது இறுத்தான் வெள்றையே வெஃகாவே * பேர் ஆலி தண்கால் நறையூர் திருப்புலியூர் * ஆராமம் சூழ்ந்த அரங்கம் * கணமங்கை 34
2706. “I have decided to go to temples to see the dark one.
I will go to beautiful Thiruvenkatam, Thirukkovalur,
strong-walled Kachi, Thiruvuragam, Thirupperagam (Koiladi),
Vellarai, temple of the god
who walked through the large marudam trees
and destroyed the Asurans,
Thiruvekka, Thiruvāli, Thiruthangāl,
Thirunaraiyur surrounded with water, Thirupuliyur,
Srirangam surrounded with groves,
Thirukkannamangai, beautiful jewel-like Thirukkannanur,
Thiruvinnagaram, famous Thirukkannapuram,
Thiruthancherai, Thiruvazhundur,
Thirukkudandai, Thirukkadigai, Thirukkadalmallai,
Thiruvidaventhai, Thiruneermalai,
the famous Thirumālirunjolai, Thirumogur,
Thiruvadari (Badrinath) praised by all,
northern Madhura and all other places of the god
without missing any.
I prattle on saying the thousand names
of the famous, lotus-eyed god
adorned with thulasi garlands dripping with honey
who broke the tusk of the elephant
and saved Gajendra from the crocodile,
Even if the villagers say nasty things about me
I will surely continue to write letters, made of palm leaves. 34 - 40
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
2707 கார் ஆர் மணி நிறக் கண்ணனூர் விண்ணகரம் * சீர் ஆர் கணபுரம் சேறை திருவழுந்தூர் * கார் ஆர் குடந்தை கடிகை கடல்மல்லை * ஏர் ஆர் பொழில் சூழ் இடவெந்தை நீர்மலை * சீர் ஆரும் மாலிருஞ்சோலை திருமோகூர் * 35
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
2774. He, the beloved of Lakshmi, stays in Thiruvallavāzh.
Never born, he is the god of Thirupper (Koiladi).
He lies on Adisesha on the ancient ocean,
He is a faultless shining jewel and he stays in my mind always.
He is the lord of Thiruvidaventhai,
the Māyavan, the god of Thirukkadalmallai, (64)
worshipped by the gods in the sky
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
vallavāzh — one who has taken residence at thiruvallavāzh; pinnai maṇāl̤anai — being the consort of nappinnai pirātti (nīl̤ā dhĕvi); pĕril piṛappu iliyai — dwelling at thiruppĕrnagar, being ready forever [to protect his followers]; thol nīr kadal kidandha — one who reclined on the ocean during the time of great deluge; thŏl̤ā maṇi sudarai — being the radiance of gem which has not been pierced; en manaththu mālai — one who has deep love for me and who never leaves my mind; idavendhai īsanai — supreme being who has taken residence at thiruvidavendhai; kadal mallai mannum māyavanai — the amaśing entity who has taken permanent residence at thirukkadanmallai (present day mahābalipuram)