Nānmuhan Thiruvandāthi

நான்முகன் திருவந்தாதி

Nānmuhan Thiruvandāthi
Thirumazhisai āzhvār, a contemporary of the Mudhal āzhvārs, composed this Nanmugan Thiruvanthathi, which consists of 96 verses. While the first āzhvārs preached the devotion and knowledge required to attain the Supreme Brahman, Thirumazhisai āzhvār, by uprooting the fallacies of other religions such as the Sunyavadis, reinforces the concept of the Supreme. + Read more
முதலாழ்வார்களின் சமகாலத்தவரான திருமழிசை ஆழ்வார் இயற்றிய இந்த நான்முகன் திருவந்தாதி 96 பாசுரங்கள் உடையது. முதல் ஆழ்வார்கள் பரப்பிரமத்தை அடைவதற்கு வேண்டிய பக்தி, ஞானத்தை உபதேசித்தனர். பிற மதத்தவர்களாகிய சூன்யவாதிகள் போன்ற களையைப் பிடுங்கி பரத்துவத்தை உறுதிப்படுத்துகிறார். அனைவரும் பகவத் + Read more
Group: 3rd 1000
Verses: 2382 to 2477
Glorification: Antaryāmi / Immanent State (அந்தர்யாமி)
  • Taniyan
  • Verse 1:
    2382. Nārāyanan created Nānmuhan and Nānmuhan created the five-faced Sankaran. I composed andadi poems praising him. Learn and understand the deep meaning of each of these pāsurams without omission.
  • Verse 2:
    2383. People say if one searches for a god, they will find only one god whose greatness no one knows. The search and the meaning of all things is the only our god. If the sages desire to find the lord, his grace will help them.
  • Verse 3:
    2384. Who knows the god resting on the milky ocean, staying in Srirangam or sleeping on a banian leaf? Who knows the one unique thing in the world, the real truth for the gods in the sky as I know?
  • Verse 4:
    2385. Every one knows the Ganges flows in Shivā’s matted hair, and that he shares half of his body with his wife Girija, but our dear lord, the real truth for the gods in the sky is alone in this world, without any one sharing him. I wish to praise him, the meaning of all words.
  • Verse 5:
    2386. O dear mighty-armed Thirumāl, you split open the chest of Hiranyan who had received many boons. Never defeated by any of your enemies, you created the four Vedās in the world and hold inside yourself all the important gods, human, animals and plants.
  • Verse 6:
    2387. The Jains are ignorant. The Buddhists are tired of trying to spread their religion. The devotees of Shivā are small people. Those who do not praise the Māyavan, Thirumāl, Mādhavan are not good people.
  • Verse 7:
    2388. Whether it is today or tomorrow or even a little time after, your grace is always with me. I do not see refuge except you. O, Nārana, see, I am not without you, and you are not without me.
  • Verse 8:
    2389. O heart, there is no help for me except the lovely-eyed Thirumāl who conquered Shivā and took his bow and cut off the ten heads of the king of Lankā with his sharp arrows, destroying the pride of Lankā.
  • Verse 9:
    2390. Let us worship the beautiful feet of the lord of the world who heard the request of Shivā, poured water from the pot of Nānmuhan, recited a mantra from the Vedās and made the skull of Nānmuhan fall from the palm of dark-necked Shivā.
  • Verse 10:
    2391. Even Nānmuhan on a lotus and Shivā with long matted hair were not able to see the head or foot of the lord with a golden body resting on soft fire-spitting Adisesha. How can we see him? We can only worship him.
  • Verse 11:
    2392. Fold your faultless hands and worship our ancient Thirumāl, adorned with a tall shining crown and thulasi garlands. Let your mouth praise him. Let your eyes see him. Let your ears hear him. Bend your crowned heads and worship him sprinkling cool flowers.
  • Verse 12:
    2393. You made the sages who do not worship you have many births, you released the moon from his curse, and you freed the elephant Gajendra from the mouth of the terrible crocodile in the deep pond and gave them both Mokshā.
  • Verse 13:
    2394. O sages, you do tapas, make your bodies weak as if they were small empty cages and you suffer. You do not know the path that leads to Mokshā. He, Mokshā, is the truth, the meaning of the ancient Vedās, the most excellent thing for the gods in the sky, Nārāyanan himself.
  • Verse 14:
    2395. Nārāyanan, my ruler, saves me from entering hell. If people listen to the teachings of other religions like Jainism they will fall into hell and the world will not praise them.
  • Verse 15:
    2396. If you place flowers on his feet, and praise and worship the highest lord of the world worshiped by many gods, you will find the way like Markandeyan to whom our god gave life when Shivā with the Ganges flowing in his hair went with the boy to see the lord.
  • Verse 16:
    2397. My heart always worships the god of the gods who hid the bright hot sun with his discus in the Bhārathā war and destroyed the many enemies of the Pāndavās.
  • Verse 17:
    2398. Shivā the lord of true tapas taught the path of dharma under the shadow of banyan tree to the four Nāyanmārs in the last yuga. He truly worshiped Thirumāl who measured the world, rests on Adisesha on the ocean, and rested on a banyan leaf as a baby at end of the eon.
  • Verse 18:
    2399. If a devotee does a tapas worshiping him who came in the form of a man-lion and split open the chest of the Asuran Hiranyan with his sharp claws, that devotee will overcome the benefit of any tapas that his enemies have done.
  • Verse 19:
    2400. You with a discus destroyed the boons that Hiranyan and other Asurans received doing tapas to Nanmuhan, and you are pleased to protect and save us. Since you are the protector of all creatures, even a fly that worships you will go to Vaikuntam.
  • Verse 20:
    2401. You are the world. and everything in the world abides through your grace. You are the god of gods that one achieves by tapas, the sacrificial fire, tall mountains, the eight directions, the bright sun and the moon.
  • Verse 21:
    2402. When you took the form of a man-lion, did your cave-like mouth open and shoot out fire? Did your round eyes become red? Is this the beauty of the highest god of the gods in the sky who took the form of a lion that looked like blazing fire? Is this the beauty that all saw?
  • Verse 22:
    2403. He was born as a child, he took the form of a fish, and he has the nature of all the seven worlds. When he, the seed that gives life to all, came as a man-lion, he was beautiful. You know him, and you worship his feet.
  • Verse 23:
    2404. He fought and killed the seven bulls to marry Nappinnai. Does one need to sow seeds to reach Mokshā in the good land of the farmer, our lord? The sky that pours rain has the color of the divine body of the dark cloud-colored Thirumāl.
  • Verse 24:
    2405. You have the colors of milk, gold, green and a dark cloud and you fought with the two wrestlers and destroyed them. You drove the chariot for Arjunā, advised him to fight the Bhārathā war bravely and helped the Pāndavās win the war.
  • Verse 25:
    2406. It was not right for you to come as a dwarf, cheat Mahābali, take his lands, and destroy the pride of the king who took a potion made of diamonds and thought no one could conquer him. What do you get by this sort of deed that destroys others?
  • Verse 26:
    2407. You are the ocean colored Thirumāl. Shivā with thick matted hair is my witness that I do not want to worship anyone but you. Give me your grace always so I may know and worship only you.
  • Verse 27:
    2408. O ignorant ones, our Thirumāl has entered my innocent heart— how can I worship any other god? I tell you that I am able to see the divine feet of him decorated with garlands that even Shivā with the Ganges in his matted hair could not to see.
  • Verse 28:
    2409. See, this is the Sethu bridge that he built to destroy the pride of Lankā. See his power that killed Vāli, the monkey king. See, his pride that destroyed with his arrows Rāvana, the king of Raksasas making his body tremble.
  • Verse 29:
    2410. Our lord shot his one arrow and killed Kumbakarnan with long eyebrows. He will be happy if you praise him whose form is brightness and joy.
  • Verse 30:
    2411. The god of Srirangam who rests on the flood on the snake bed Adisesha stands, sit and reclines in my heart always and saves me from all my troubles.
  • Verse 31:
    2412. O, devils, Nāranan removed the curse that Nānmuhan gave Shivā and if you do not worship him, the god of the gods in the sky where stars shine, that is just the same as believing a story that is not true.
  • Verse 32:
    2413. Even though it is a story that when Thirumāl swallowed the world all the creatures survived because he kept them in his stomach and protected them, if someone does not praise him and doubts his power how could he reach his feet and be saved?
  • Verse 33:
    2414. The purpose of the lord who came to the earth and grazed the cows was to kill Sakatāsuran, to dance on the heads of Kālingan, to catch the tusks of the elephant and kill it, and to drink poison from the breasts of the devil Putanā. He fought with the seven strong bulls to embrace the arms of Nappinnai whose mouth is as beautiful as coral.
  • Verse 34:
    2415. My aim is to praise the god of Thirukkottiyur. and receive good life from him. Will I ever hate the lord of Thiruvenkatam? I will worship his feet, for he saves me from any sickness that I may have and removes the results of my bad karmā.
  • Verse 35:
    2416. The divine one of Thiruvallikkeni, as beautiful as a peacock, who rests on the five heads of the snake ādisesha where the large waves of the dark ocean roll and dash on the shores is quietly lying now without opening his mouth. Is he tired because he measured the world with his feet?
  • Verse 36:
    2417. The ancient Nedumāl lovingly rests on the snake bed in Kudandai, in Thiruvekka, in Thiruyevvul, Thirupper (Koiladi) in Srirangam, in Thiruanbil and on the milky ocean. If devotees embrace him, he will enter their hearts too.
  • Verse 37:
    2418. The wind, the sky, the wide oceans, the tall mountains, the hot sun that moves across the sky, the cool moon, the clouds that float in the sky, the eight directions and the earth all flourish through the wish and grace of Thirumāl.
  • Verse 38:
    2419. The ocean-colored lord created six religions for the people by his grace. If he becomes angry he will destroy at once any evil gods who create troubles or do bad deeds.
  • Verse 39:
    2420. She says, “I call the god of Thiruvenkatam hills where the large waterfalls descends like rain, bringing bright jewels, and elephants are frightened when they hear the sound of the water and snakes are scared and hide when they see the brightness of the jewels. I wish to see him and make a divine ThirukKoodal to get his love. ”
  • Verse 40:
    2421. I praise Thiruvenkatam, the hill that is my home and where I stay. See, I always think of the lord of this hill. I fell into the net that is the divine feet of the beloved of Lakshmi, the goddess praised by all the sastras.
  • Verse 41:
    2422. O lord, you stay in my heart and in Thiruvenkatam hills where the waterfall that descends scatters pearls and roars as loud as the Onam festival. I am anxious to go and see you in the Thiruvenkatam hills.
  • Verse 42:
    2423. Thiruvenkatam hill has the power to destroy his devotees’ karmā. Go and worship that tall hill that rises to the sky where Nānmuhan on the fragrant lotus and the three- eyed Shivā come and worship the lotus feet of the lord.
  • Verse 43:
    2424. Shivā wearing the crescent moon in his matted hair and Nanmuhan on a lotus enter in the night the northern Thiruvenkatam hills that touch the clouds in the sky and worship him, offering him pearls and other things.
  • Verse 44:
    2425. In ancient times when he was young, with his toes he counted the ten heads of Rāvana who had a mighty army. O young ones, go to the Thiruvenkatam hills surrounded with groves where Kannan stays, remaining always young.
  • Verse 45:
    2426. O, devotees, place flowers with love, on the lotus feet of the lord of Thiruvenkatam hills where a cool waterfall descends. He is the refuge for the gods in the sky and the people on the earth.
  • Verse 46:
    2427. In Thiruvenkatam hills elephants raise their trunks to the sky thinking they will touch the moon and make it as a bright light for our lord Thirumāl, and gypsies dance as they go around those hills, bending their bows and trying to catch the elephants. If people also will go around those hills and dance that would be wonderful.
  • Verse 47:
    2428. The Venkatam hills filled with ālis, lions, gold, jewels, pearls, blooming trees, waterfalls that are mixed with many jewels, forests, monkeys and hunters are where the sapphire-colored lord stays.
  • Verse 48:
    2429. Thiruvenkatam that removes the sufferings of karmā is the hill where the gods in the sky come and worship Thirumāl and where our lord with the discus abides, protecting the gods in the sky and killing the Asurans.
  • Verse 49:
    2430. To praise the divine name of the wonderful god, who churned the milky ocean using Mandara mountain as a churning stick and the snake Vāsuki as the rope is the only thing that all devotees should do.
  • Verse 50:
    2431. Māyan is in my heart and Yama will not come to me, cruel karmā will not come to me and fire will not destroy me. Kannan who rests on the water on the bank of Kaveri river (Kapisthalam) is in my heart that praises him.
  • Verse 51:
    2432. O my dear lord colored like a kāyām flower, there is no one to match you except yourself, my only refuge. Now that my mind has known you, it will not be content even with the heavens, for it understands you who are not understood by others.
  • Verse 52:
    2433. Those of other religions who wear garlands of skeletons will sell themselves for a price and beg for food. If they do not worship our lord who drank the poisonous milk of Putanā, they are ignorant and what they drink is dirty.
  • Verse 53:
    2434. I will not worship any other god except Rāma, the destroyer of Lankā, the land of the ignorant Raksasas. Do not accept and worship evil gods who are not divine and cannot give their grace.
  • Verse 54:
    2435. All that a person has learned is a waste if he does not worship Nedumāl the only god, the most ancient of the all the three gods.
  • Verse 55:
    2436. If people stand at the doors of some gods worshiping their feet, they will be happy only at that time. O Nedumāl colored like the ocean rolling with waves, how could they be capable of worshiping your feet?
  • Verse 56:
    2437. Someone may say this one is god or that one is god, but there is no one equal to the father of Kama, the beautiful prince. Nedumāl fought and conquered Shivā who drank the poison from the salty ocean and his escort when they came to help Vānanāsuran and they all lost the battle with Thirumāl.
  • Verse 57:
    2438. The lord himself is good karmā and bad karmā. If I wanted to describe him who killed the Asurans when they came as Kurundam trees, I would say he is the stars, the gods, the Asurans and he is in my heart. Is there anything that he is not?
  • Verse 58:
    2439. He measured the world in ancient times as the king Mahābali saw his large form in terror. He is in my heart and has removed all my troubles. I give my love to the cowherd who took away the curse of the bull-rider Shivā.
  • Verse 59:
    2440. I am your devotee and you are my love and sweet nectar joy for me and everything else. You, the beloved of the goddess Lakshmi as beautiful as a golden statue are my Kesavan, my shining light. You protect me so that troubles do not come to me. I am your devotee and your servant.
  • Verse 60:
    2441. Devotees know that you will give Mokshā to those who deserve it and they approach you and worship your feet. You are Rangan, a precious thing for the devotees who worship you and ask for your help. My mind will not stop loving you.
  • Verse 61:
    2442. The lord, the ruler of the world fought with the seven bulls to marry Nappinnai. He is my treasure and I am with him. If you ask Madhusudan, the refuge for all, for refuge he will protect you and you will not have any trouble in your mind.
  • Verse 62:
    2443. The devotees of Thirumāl wear thulasi garlands swarming with bees as their god does. They will tell the other ignorant ones that the only god is Shridharan on whose chest Lakshmi stays.
  • Verse 63:
    2444. I have spent all my time reading about you, hearing about you, writing about you understanding you, praising you, worshiping you, and doing pujas for you who created the stars, and rest on Adisesha, the snake on the ocean,
  • Verse 64:
    2445. Real praise is to praise him only. Place flowers at his feet and worship the ancient god, the lord of the gods. The mantra that destroys all seven births is the names of Nāranan, the good lord.
  • Verse 65:
    2446. I praise Thirumāl, Madhavan, the mother of all with my poetry and in my heart. Is there not a place in Vaikundam for me who think always of him only? Tell me.
  • Verse 66:
    2447. My heart is the place of Nedumāl resting on a snake bed. I will not think that Shivā wearing the crescent moon or Nānmuhan is equal to my god. I will not serve them or worship them.
  • Verse 67:
    2448. Even if I cannot circle the temple of god, or am not from a good family, if I praise the lord of the people Nāranan, the god of wisdom with good words, that will give me strength.
  • Verse 68:
    2449. Yama calls his messengers and tells them, “Listen to what I say. There are people who do not worship the divine feet of our god ever. Even if they bow to you as if they were saintly people, do not go away from them. ”
  • Verse 69:
    2450. Sweet to ears is the name of the lovely-eyed god whose name is the refuge for all the people of the world. I worship him, the full meaning of all poetry. If one considers, the meaning of all the Vedās is only his praise.
  • Verse 70:
    2451. It is not just today that I have come to know the strength of the young lord, who measured the world and the sky and went to underworld as a boar, split open the ground and brought up the earth goddess on his tusk.
  • Verse 71:
    2452. The Māyan, the king of Dwaraka who was born as a cowherd is far away and is near, small and large. Those who do not know the words that the god said to Arjunā will live in the world without any true knowledge and will not be loved by others.
  • Verse 72:
    2453. The proverb may say, “If one has not had a family life, he cannot be a sage, ” but that is not dharma. Good dharma, the four Vedās and tapas are all only the god Nāranan himself. Who can say this is not right?
  • Verse 73:
    2454. Who can understand the power of the god with a discus in his hand who swallowed the earth and spat it out? Dark-necked Shivā and eight-eyed Nānmuhan could not find the god’s feet or head.
  • Verse 74:
    2455. My tongue will not praise anyone but the dark cloud-colored Māyavan who gave his grace to the shining snake Sumugan when it came and asked for refuge because it was being chased by a hostile bird.
  • Verse 75:
    2456. I will not praise any human with my tongue, I will praise only the divine feet of the god of Vaikuntam whom fire-bearing Shivā with his red matted hair comes and worships with flowers.
  • Verse 76:
    2457. Songs, literature, stories, the Puranas, fire, the large sky, the laws of Manu that all the world follows, and the four Vedās are only the creation of Māyan’s māyā.
  • Verse 77:
    2458. When the ocean-colored god who built a bridge with stones over the wide ocean wished to remove all my bad karmā even though I do not know all the things I have done wrong, I worshipped him and all my sins went away.
  • Verse 78:
    2459. When Shivā who burned Madan’s body was doing tapas and Uma told him the name of Thirumāl, the god adorned with garlands, even Shivā’s tapas was disturbed. What will happen to people if they really see Māl and worship him?
  • Verse 79:
    2460. If devotees searching for Thirumāl understand the ancient lord with love in their minds and think of their bodies as a burden and wish to leave them they will quickly go to Vaikuntam.
  • Verse 80:
    2461. When a terrible flood came in ancient times Kannan protected the world and gave it his grace. If you listen to the songs of this wide world and dance and praise him, that will save you from falling into a terrible hell. and will open the door to Mokshā.
  • Verse 81:
    2462. I thought that if I could open the door of my mind and see you there, all my bad karmā would go away. You planted the seed of good Tamil in my heart and made it grow. You became that language itself that I have learned.
  • Verse 82:
    2463. The father of the beautiful Kama has entered my heart and lives there. Is there anything better than this could happen to me? Shivā and Nanmuhan sprinkle fresh flowers and worship the god, the king they cannot hope to equal.
  • Verse 83:
    2464. The dark-colored god with a discus in his hand, is the king of the gods in the sky, he is the sky, compassion, the people of the world, our mother and all things. He will give wonderful things to those who approach him.
  • Verse 84:
    2465. I do not want any wonderful thing to happen to me. I will not be a devotee of Shivā— he will not be the right god for me. I will only worship Kannan every day, the king whose feet are adorned with sounding anklets. Loving and worshiping him is my only duty.
  • Verse 85:
    2466. If I have any other duties, they are merely vexations. All I need is the time when I praise the names of Thirumāl, the god with a bow, who destroyed the pride of Vāli the angry, strong king of monkeys and who abides in my heart.
  • Verse 86:
    2467. See, my good heart, he is in you, the Uthaman is always in you, and if devotees think of him, he is in their hearts. He, the matchless one, is the Esan for those who are lonely, and for devotees like me.
  • Verse 87:
    2468. The lord ate the puja food served for Indra in a pile as large as the majestic Himalayas, he protected the cowherds from the storm, he created all the religions, and he protected the dark necked Shivā and Nānmuhan. He is the life of the world.
  • Verse 88:
    2469. When the messengers of Yama come and take someone’s life our god is the one who will come and save him. If devotees praise Thirumāl with songs and think of him always, they will live happily. The life of those who belong to other religions is a waste.
  • Verse 89:
    2470. I know for certain that to worship the divine feet of the god resting on the milky ocean is not a mistake. If devotees worship the god every day without unfailingly the results of their karmā will not come to them and they will go to Vaikuntam and stay there happily.
  • Verse 90:
    2471. Those who want to go to the spiritual world will worship Thirumāl in Thiruvenkatam with flowers and live a good life, loving and serving others. They are the real devotees of the lord.
  • Verse 91:
    2472. I will sprinkle flowers on the lotus feet of all devotees, and the feet of the gods in the sky, of Nānmuhan who stays on a lotus, and of Shivā adorned with a snake, and I will worship them and ask them to give me their grace only so I may attain the lotus feet of the dark-colored lord.
  • Verse 92:
    2473 I do not ever forget Nedumāl who abides in my heart and will stay there for ever. I am a devotee of Sridharan with Lakshmi on his chest and he has protected me from the time I was in the embryo in my mother’s womb.
  • Verse 93:
    2474. I never forget that he protects me, I just say, “You are my Kannan” and stay quiet. You, the king, give bodies and your grace to all lives. You have the highest good nature. If devotees understand what truth is they will never leave you, the highest lord.
  • Verse 94:
    2475. O god resting on the snake bed, you destroyed the enemies of Pāndavās and helped them on the battlefield. If you want, even neem leaves can be made into a delicious curry. Give your grace to me, your slave.
  • Verse 95:
    2476. I, your slave, was born in a low family and suffered. I do not want to worship gods other than you. I want to reach the spiritual world of Vaikuntam, leaving this earth without my karmā.
  • Verse 96:
    2477. I know now the lord of Shivā and Nānmuhan. I know you, my dear god. I know you are the reason for all. I know all I have learned is from you. I know all I will be knowing is from you. You are Nāranan and all your deeds are good. I know that very well now.