In the Brahmanda Purana, Brahma tells Narada that among all the worlds, the earth (Bhu-loka) is the best. Within it, the best is the land of Bharata, specifically the region of Tamil Nadu. In Tamil Nadu, the northern bank of the Kaveri River is the best. Within this area, the forest of Thillai is the best. The best within Thillai is Pundarika Puram,
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பிரம்மாண்ட புராணத்தில் பிரம்மன் நாரதரிடம், எல்லா உலகங்களிலும், பூவுலகம் சிறந்தது. அதில் சிறந்தது நாவலந்தீவு என்னும் பரதக் கண்டம். அதில் சிறந்தது தமிழ்நாடு. அதில் வட காவேரியின் வட திசை சிறந்தது. அதில் தில்லை வனம் சிறந்தது. அதில் சிறந்தது புண்டரீகபுரம். அதில் சிறந்தது சித்திரகூடம். + Read more
741 ## அங்கண் நெடு மதிள் புடை சூழ் அயோத்தி என்னும் * அணி நகரத்து உலகு அனைத்தும் விளக்கும் சோதி * வெங்கதிரோன் குலத்துக்கு ஓர் விளக்காய்த் தோன்றி * விண் முழுதும் உயக் கொண்ட வீரன் தன்னை ** செங்கண் நெடுங்கரு முகிலை இராமன் தன்னைத் * தில்லைநகர்த் திருச்சித்ரகூடந் தன்னுள் * எங்கள் தனி முதல்வனை எம்பெருமான் தன்னை * என்று கொலோ கண் குளிரக் காணும் நாளே (1)
741. Rāma, tall, with beautiful eyes,
colored like a dark cloud,
our dear king, our lord,
the light that illuminates the whole world,
stays in beautiful Ayodhya surrounded by high walls.
Born in the dynasty of the sun,
he brightens that royal line, and he conquered the whole sky
and is the god of Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai.
When will the day come
when I see him joyfully with my eyes?
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
742. He saved the sacrifice of the rishi Vishwamithra,
learned in all the mantras and the Vedās
shot a strong arrow and split open the chest of Thadagai
when she came to fight him, making her blood flow out,
and he killed all the strong Rakshasās.
See, our dear god stays in the Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai,
surrounded with cool flourishing groves
blooming with flowers with green tender leaves,
as he sits on a throne studded with diamonds,
praised by three thousand Andanars.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
743. To marry Sita whose long dark lovely eyes were lined with red,
the heroic Rāma who conquered kings with sharp spears,
broke the bow of Shivā, the angry bull rider carrying a mazhu weapon.
He stays in divine Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai surrounded by tall walls.
I worship the feet of the worshipers of Rāma
whose cruel bow conquers his mighty enemies.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
744. As Rāma he left his kingdom, obeying the words of Kaikeyi
whose curly hair was decorated with bunches of fresh flowers,
went to the forest,
crossed the Ganges with the help of Guhan, his dear devotee,
and gave his sandals and his kingdom to Bharathan
when his brother came to see him.
He stays in beautiful Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai.
If devotees see him happily with their two eyes,
they will be equal to the gods in the sky.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
745 வலி வணக்கு வரை நெடுந்தோள் விராதைக் கொன்று * வண் தமிழ் மா முனி கொடுத்த வரி வில் வாங்கி * கலை வணக்கு நோக்கு அரக்கி மூக்கை நீக்கி * கரனோடு தூடணன் தன் உயிரை வாங்கி ** சிலை வணக்கி மான் மறிய எய்தான் தன்னைத் * தில்லைநகர்த் திருச்சித்ரகூடந் தன்னுள் * தலை வணக்கிக் கைகூப்பி ஏத்த வல்லார் * திரிதலால் தவமுடைத்துத் தரணி தானே (5)
745. As Rāma he killed the Rakshasā Virādan
with strong mountain-like arms,
received a bow from the sage Agasthya, creator of rich Tamil,
cut off the nose of the beautiful Rakshasi Surpanakha,
took the lives of Karan and Dushanan,
and bent his bow and shot arrows to kill the Raksasa Mārisan
when he came as a golden deer.
He stays in Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai
and this earth is fortunate that his devotees wander there
bowing their heads and worshiping him.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
746. As Rāma he was separated from Vaidehi, his lovely wife.
He was sad when Jatāyu was killed by Rāvanan and sent to Vaikuntam,
he became friends with the king of monkeys' Sugrivan
and he killed Vali in the Kishkinda forest,
relieving the suffering of Sugrivan.
He made Hanuman burn Lankā
ruled by Rāvanan, the king of the Rakshasās,
so that Hanuman’s anger would abate.
I worship the feet of the devotees of Rāma,
the dear god who stays happily in Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
747 குரை கடலை அடல் அம்பால் மறுக எய்து * குலை கட்டி மறுகரையை அதனால் ஏறி * எரி நெடு வேல் அரக்கரொடும் இலங்கை வேந்தன் * இன்னுயிர் கொண்டு அவன் தம்பிக்கு அரசும் ஈந்து ** திருமகளோடு இனிது அமர்ந்த செல்வன் தன்னைத் * தில்லைநகர்த் திருச்சித்ரகூடந் தன்னுள் * அரசு அமர்ந்தான் அடி சூடும் அரசை அல்லால் * அரசு ஆக எண்ணேன் மற்று அரசு தானே (7)
747. As Rāma he shot his arrows to calm the stormy ocean,
made a bridge with the help of the monkeys
and reached Lankā on the other side of the sea.
He killed the Rakshasās who carried strong long spears,
took the life of Rāvana the king of Lankā
and gave the kingdom to Rāvana’s brother Vibhishanā,
and returning to Ayodhya with his wife as lovely as Lakshmi,
he was seated on his throne.
I will not consider anyone my king
except Rāma the god of Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
748 அம் பொன் நெடு மணிமாட அயோத்தி எய்தி * அரசு எய்தி அகத்தியன் வாய்த் தான் முன் கொன்றான் * தன் பெருந்தொல் கதை கேட்டு மிதிலைச் செல்வி * உலகு உய்யத் திரு வயிறு வாய்த்த மக்கள் ** செம் பவளத் திரள்வாய்த் தன் சரிதை கேட்டான் * தில்லைநகர்த் திருச்சித்ரகூடந் தன்னுள் * எம்பெருமான் தன் சரிதை செவியால் கண்ணால் பருகுவோம் * இன்னமுதம் மதியோமின்றே (8)
748. Rāma who reached Ayodhya filled with gold
and beautiful diamond-studded palaces,
heard his own story
from the mouths, red as coral, of his two sons
born to Sita, the princess of Mithila, to save the world.
If we hear and drink in the story of Rāma
of Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai
we have no need of sweet nectar.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
749. Rāma is adorned with a jewel-studded ornament
given by an Andanan who knew the Vedās
because he saved his son.
His brother Laksmana killed the Rakshasā Ilavanan
and Rāma granted him Mokshā.
He was separated from his brother Laksmana
by the curse of the sage Durvasa.
If our hearts never forget the lord
of Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai,
we will not have any trouble in our lives.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
750 அன்றுசராசரங்களைவைகுந்தத்தேற்றி அடலரவப்பகையேறியசுரர் தம்மை வென்று * இலங்குமணிநெடுந்தோள்நான்கும்தோன்ற விண்முழுதுமெதிர்வரத்தன்தாமம்மேவி * சென்றினிதுவீற்றிருந்தவம்மான்தன்னைத் தில்லைநகர்த்திருச்சித்ரகூடந்தன்னுள் * என்றும்நின்றானவனிவனென்றேத்தி நாளும் இன்றைஞ்சுமினோஎப்பொழுதும்தொண்டீர்! நீரே. (2)
750 ## அன்று சராசரங்களை வைகுந்தத்து ஏற்றி * அடல் அரவப் பகையேறி அசுரர் தம்மை வென்று * இலங்கு மணி நெடுந்தோள் நான்கும் தோன்ற * விண் முழுதும் எதிர்வரத் தன் தாமம் மேவி ** சென்று இனிது வீற்றிருந்த அம்மான் தன்னைத் * தில்லைநகர்த் திருச்சித்ரகூடந் தன்னுள் * என்றும் நின்றான் அவன் இவனென்று ஏத்தி * நாளும் இறைஞ்சுமினோ எப்பொழுதும் தொண்டீர் நீரே (10)
750. When the dear lord adorned with garlands
returned from the forest, the gods in the sky welcomed him.
By the grace of him who fought with the strong Asuras
and conquered them
all people and creatures in the world go to Vaikuntam.
He stays always in Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai.
O devotees of Rāma, praise him saying, “avan ivan!”
and worship him always.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
751. Kulasekharan, the king of Uraiyur,
who rules under a royal umbrella
and carries a victorious shining sword
composed a garland of ten Tamil pāsurams
describing the endless fame of Rāma, sitting in Thillai Thiruchitrakudam
the son of Dasharatha and the friend of Hanumān.
If devotees know and recite these ten sweet Tamil pāsurams
they will approach the feet of Nāranan who shines with goodness.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1158 ## ஊன் வாட உண்ணாது உயிர் காவல் இட்டு * உடலில் பிரியாப் புலன் ஐந்தும் நொந்து * தாம் வாட வாடத் தவம் செய்ய வேண்டா * தமதா இமையோர் உலகு ஆளகிற்பீர் ** கான் ஆட மஞ்ஞைக் கணம் ஆட மாடே * கயல் ஆடு கால் நீர்ப் பழனம் புடைபோய் * தேன் ஆட மாடக் கொடி ஆடு * தில்லைத் திருச்சித்ரகூடம் சென்று சேர்மின்களே 1 **
1158. O devotees, if you want to rule the world of the gods,
you do not have to starve and suffer and do tapas
and all of your five senses do not have to be restrained.
Just go to Thillai Chitrakudam
where peacocks dance, fish frolic in the water of the springs,
bees drink honey and flags flutter on the tops of palaces.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1159 காயோடு நீடு கனி உண்டு * வீசு கடுங் கால் நுகர்ந்து நெடுங் காலம் * ஐந்து தீயோடு நின்று தவம் செய்ய வேண்டா * திரு மார்பனைச் சிந்தையுள் வைத்தும் என்பீர் ** வாய் ஓது வேதம் மலிகின்ற தொல்சீர் * மறையாளர் நாளும் முறையால் வளர்த்த * தீ ஓங்க ஓங்கப் புகழ் ஓங்கு * தில்லைத் திருச்சித்ரகூடம் சென்று சேர்மின்களே 2 **
1159. O devotees, if you want to reach him
who embraces Lakshmi on his chest,
you do not have to eat vegetables and fruits
or perform tapas by standing for long periods of time
and undergo the five types of sacrifices with fire.
Just go to the famous Thillai Chitrakudam
and worship him where good Maraiyālars
recite the Vedās always and make sacrifices with fire that rises high,
and just keep the lord in your heart.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1160. O devotees, if you want to see the lord who
went through the ocean to the underground world as a boar
and rescued the earth goddess stolen by an Asuran,
just go to Thillai Chitrakudam, the sacred temple
surrounded with jeweled palaces covered with pure gold
where the Pallava king with a large army
brought gold, pearls and jewels and worshiped him.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1161. O devotees, you say that your sorrow-filled births will go away
if you recite the divine names of the lord
who went as a dwarf and asked for three feet of land
at the sacrifice of Mahābali
and measured the world and the sky with his two feet.
If you want to reach him, just go to Thillai Chitrakudam
where Thirumāl with divine Lakshmi
rests happily on Adisesha on the dark ocean and worship him,
and you will not be born again.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1162 கோ மங்க வங்கக் கடல் வையம் உய்யக் * குல மன்னர் அங்கம் மழுவில் துணிய * தாம் அங்கு அமருள் படை தொட்ட வென்றித் * தவ மா முனியைத் தமக்கு ஆக்ககிற்பீர் ** பூ மங்கை தங்கிப் புல மங்கை மன்னிப் * புகழ் மங்கை எங்கும் திகழ * புகழ் சேர் சேமம் கொள் பைம் பூம் பொழில் சூழ்ந்த * தில்லைத் திருச்சித்ரகூடம் சென்று சேர்மின்களே 5 **
1162. O devotees, if you want to reach the lord
who came as the sage ParasuRāman carrying an axe
and fought with many kings to save this world encircled by the seas,
just go to famous Thillai Chitrakudam
surrounded with blooming groves
where he stays with the earth goddess and Lakshmi
as the goddess of fame shines everywhere.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1163. O devotees, if you want to live
thinking only of the dark-colored lord shining like a jewel,
who as Rāma shot his sharp arrows at the ocean
and built a bridge to go to Lankā,
just go to beautiful Thillai Chitrakudam
where Vediyars recite the Vedās that they know so well
and young girls listen to their recitation and sing after them
while parrots hear the girls and chant with them.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1164. If you want to keep in your heart the lord
who loved the soft arms of Nappinnai,
the cowherd girl adorned with jasmine flowers on her hair,
and the divine Lakshmi,
born from the milky ocean rolling with waves,
whom he keeps on his divine chest,
just go to sacred Thillai Chitrakudam
surrounded by the divine river Vellāru
that carries elephants’ tusks and sandalwood from the hills
while the moon circles around that lovely place.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1165. O devotees, if you want to reach the ornamented feet
with sounding anklets of the Māyan who grazed the cows
and carried Govardhanā mountain as an umbrella
to rescue the cows when they suffered in a terrible storm,
just go to flourishing Thillai Chitrakudam
where the god of gods, the divine light, stays,
worshiped by three thousand Vediyars,
the learned of the Vedās.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1166 செரு நீல வேல் கண் மடவார்திறத்துச் * சினத்தோடு நின்று மனத்தால் வளர்க்கும் * அரு நீல பாவம் அகலப் புகழ் சேர் * அமரர்க்கும் எய்தாத அண்டத்து இருப்பீர் ** பெரு நீர் நிவா உந்தி முத்தம் கொணர்ந்து * எங்கும் வித்தும் வயலுள் கயல் பாய்ந்து உகள * திரு நீலம் நின்று திகழ்கின்ற * தில்லைத் திருச்சித்ரகூடம் சென்று சேர்மின்களே 9 **
1166. O devotees, if you want to remove the karmā
that you have collected because of your passion for women
with dark eyes that are like spears for fighting,
and want to reach the famous world
that is above even the world of the gods,
just go to shining Thillai Chitrakudam
where kayal fish frolic in the seeded fields,
beautiful neelam flowers bloom everywhere
and the Vellāru river flows with abundant water and brings pearls.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1167 ## சீர் ஆர் பொழில் சூழ்ந்து அழகு ஆய * தில்லைத் திருச்சித்ரகூடத்து உறை செங் கண் மாலுக்கு * ஆராத உள்ளத்தவர் கேட்டு உவப்ப * அலை நீர் உலகுக்கு அருளே புரியும் ** கார் ஆர் புயல் கைக் கலிகன்றி * குன்றா ஒலி மாலை ஓர் ஒன்பதோடு ஒன்றும் வல்லார் * பார் ஆர் உலகம் அளந்தான் அடிக்கீழ்ப் * பல காலம் நிற்கும்படி வாழ்வர் தாமே 10 **
1167. Kaliyan, the generous poet who gives like rain
composed a garland of ten Tamil pāsurams
on Thirumāl so the people of the world may hear them and be happy.
If devotees learn and recite these ten musical pāsurams
on the lord of beautiful Thillai Thiruchitrakudam
surrounded with lovely groves and the sea rolling with waves,
they will go to the spiritual world and stay under the feet of him
who measured the world and the sky in two steps,
and they will live for many ages.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
sīr ār — having abundant beauty; pozhil sūzhndhu — surrounded by garden; azhagāya — having beauty; thillaith thiruchchiththirakūdaththu — in thillaith thiruchchiththirakūdam; uṛai — eternally residing; sengaṇ mālukku — on sarvĕṣvaran who has beautiful reddish eyes; ārādha — not being satisfied with enjoying bhagavān; ul̤l̤aththavar — ṣrīvaishṇavas who have love; kĕttu — to hear; uvappa — and become happy; alai nīr — being surrounded by ocean which throws up the waves; ulagukku — for the residents of earth; arul̤ĕ — mercy only; puriyum — having the nature of granting; kār ār — very huge; puyal — like cloud; kai — generous; kali kanṛi — thirumangai āzhvār; kunṛā — not having any shortcoming; oli — mercifully recited to have [pleasing] sound; mālai — having garland of words; ŏr onbadhŏdu onṛum — the ten pāsurams; vallār — those who can learn with the meanings; pār ār ulagam — earth, heaven etc; al̤andhān — one who measured, his; adik kīzh — at his divine feet; pala kālam — forever; niṛkumbadi vāzhvar — will attain a rich life where one can serve
1168. The lord danced on a pot,
went between two marudam trees and killed the Asurans,
wrestled with the Mallars sent by Kamsan and killed them,
killed Kesi when he came in the form of a horse,
and grazed the cows and protected them and the cowherds
from a terrible storm using Govardhanā mountain as an umbrella.
The god of Thillai Chitrakudam surrounded with high blooming groves
comes on the street with victory.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
marudhidai — in between two marudha trees; vāda — as they were in a withered state; pŏgi — crawled and went; mallarai — the group of wrestlers such as chāṇūra, mushtika et al; konṛu — killed; okkaliththittu — practising the art of walking; ādal — coming with a dance; nal — beautiful; mā — kĕṣi who assumed the form of a horse; udaiththu — killed; anṛu — when indhra caused rainfall; āyar — cowherds-; āniraikku — occurred for the cattle; idar — sorrow; thīrppān — to eliminate; kūdiya — gathered; mā mazhai — great hailstorm (by lifting the mountain); kāththa — protected; kūththan ena — to have everyone say -he has actions which steal the heart-; varuginṛān — one who is coming; sĕdu — tender; uyar — tall; pūm pozhil — having beautiful gardens; thillaich chiththirakūdaththu — in thillaith thiruchchiththirakūdam; ul̤l̤ān — is eternally residing.
1169 பேய் மகள் கொங்கை நஞ்சு உண்ட * பிள்ளை பரிசு இது என்றால் * மா நில மா மகள் * மாதர் கேள்வன் இவன் என்றும் ** வண்டு உண் பூ மகள் நாயகன் என்றும் * புலன் கெழு கோவியர் பாடி * தே மலர் தூவ வருவான் * சித்திரகூடத்து உள்ளானே 2 **
1169. Kannan, the lord of Thillai Chitrakudam
who drank the poisonous milk of the devil Putanā and killed her,
comes on the street with victory
as the cowherd women sprinkle flowers that drip honey on him and say,
“He is the husband of the lovely earth goddess
and of Lakshmi seated on a lotus swarming with honey-drinking bees. ”
He stays in Thillai Chitrakudam.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
pĕy magal̤ — pūthanā, who is a demon; kongai — on bosom; nanju — poison; uṇda — mercifully consumed; idhu — this amaśing act; pil̤l̤ai parisu enṛāl — hearing that it is the nature of this child; ivan — this krishṇa (is not a young child); mā — 50 crore yŏjanā vast; nila mā magal̤ mādhar — for ṣrī bhūmip pirātti who has earth as her body; kĕl̤van enṛu — as dear husband; vaṇdu — beetles; uṇ — entering to drink the honey; pū magal̤ — periya pirāttiyār who is having lotus flower as birth place; nāyagan enṛum — as the lord; pulan kezhu — having form which attracts the heart of those who saw; kŏviyar — cowherd girls; pādi — praising and singing; thĕn malar — fresh flower; thūva — as they serve; varuvān — one who comes; chiththirakūdaththu — in thillaith thiruchchiththirakūdam; ul̤l̤ān — is eternally residing.
1170 பண்டு இவன் வெண்ணெய் உண்டான் என்று * ஆய்ச்சியர் கூடி இழிப்ப * எண் திசையோரும் வணங்க * இணை மருது ஊடு நடந்திட்டு ** அண்டரும் வானத்தவரும் * ஆயிரம் நாமங்களோடு * திண் திறல் பாட வருவான் * சித்திரகூடத்து உள்ளானே 3 **
1170. The lord walked between two Marudam trees
and killed the wrestlers as all the people in the eight directions
bowed to him
while the gods in the sky and people praised his heroism and strength
reciting his thousand names.
The god of Thillai Chitrakudam comes on the street with victory
as the cowherd women scold him saying, “He stole and ate our butter. ”
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1171. When Kannan plunged into a cool pond blooming with lotuses
fought and danced on the head of the sharp-toothed snake Kālingan,
the gods in the sky, astonished, looked on
and the long-eyed cowherd women ornamented with bangles
were frightened to see him
and called the other cowherd women to come.
He, the god of Thillai Chitrakudam,
comes on the street with victory.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1172 பருவக் கரு முகில் ஒத்து * முத்து உடை மா கடல் ஒத்து * அருவித் திரள் திகழ்கின்ற * ஆயிரம் பொன்மலை ஒத்து ** உருவக் கருங் குழல் ஆய்ச்சிதிறத்து * இன மால் விடை செற்று * தெருவில் திளைத்து வருவான் * சித்திரகூடத்து உள்ளானே 5 **
1172. Kannan, dark as a rain-giving cloud,
wears on his chest a thousand garlands,
gold ornaments and pearls that shine like a waterfall.
The lord who conquered seven bulls to marry dark-haired Nappinnai,
the daughter of a cowherd,
comes with victory on the street of Thillai Chitrakudam.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1173 ## எய்யச் சிதைந்தது இலங்கை மலங்க * வரு மழை காப்பான் * உய்யப் பரு வரை தாங்கி * ஆநிரை காத்தான் என்று ஏத்தி ** வையத்து எவரும் வணங்க * அணங்கு எழு மா மலை போல * தெய்வப் புள் ஏறி வருவான் * சித்திரகூடத்து உள்ளானே 6 **
1173. Victorious Kannan, the god of Thillai Chitrakudam,
comes on the street riding the divine Garudā
that looks like a beautiful mountain
as all the people of the world bow to him, praise him and say,
“He destroyed Lankā shooting arrows at the Rākshasas.
He saved the cows and the cowherds
carrying Govardhanā mountain as an umbrella. ”
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1174 ஆவர் இவை செய்து அறிவார்? * அஞ்சன மா மலை போல * மேவு சினத்து அடல் வேழம் * வீழ முனிந்து * அழகு ஆய காவி மலர் நெடுங் கண்ணார் * கை தொழ வீதி வருவான் தேவர் வணங்கு தண் தில்லைச் * சித்திரகூடத்து உள்ளானே 7 **
1174. Kannan, the heroic god of rich Thillai Chitrakudam
where gods come and bow to him
comes on the street looking like a mountain of kohl
as the cowherd women with beautiful long eyes like kāvi flowers
fold their hands in worship, praise him and say,
“Who could do this heroic deed except him?
Angry at the strong elephant Kuvalayābeedam, he killed it. ”
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
ivai — these huge tasks; seydhaṛivār ār — Who did? ṇone. (When asked -What are those?-); mā — huge; anjana malai pŏlĕ — like a dark mountain; mĕvu — well placed; sinam — having anger; adal — having strength; vĕzham — to knock down elephant named kuvalayāpīdam; munindhu — mercifully showed anger; azhagāya — having beauty; kāvi malar — dark like neelŏthpalam [blue lily] flower; nedu — wide; kaṇṇār — ladies who have eyes; kai thozha — to worship; vīdhi — on the divine street; varuvān — one who mercifully walks; dhĕvar vaṇangu — where the dhĕvathās come and worship; thaṇ — invigorating; thillaich chiththirakūdaththu — in thillaith thiruchchiththirakūdam; ul̤l̤ān — is eternally residing.
1175 பொங்கி அமரில் ஒருகால் * பொன்பெயரோனை வெருவ * அங்கு அவன் ஆகம் அளைந்திட்டு * ஆயிரம் தோள் எழுந்து ஆட ** பைங் கண் இரண்டு எரி கான்ற * நீண்ட எயிற்றொடு பேழ் வாய் * சிங்க உருவின் வருவான் * சித்திரகூடத்து உள்ளானே 8
1175. The god of Thillai Chitrakudam
who took the form of a man-lion
dancing with a thousand arms, two fire-like eyes
long sharp teeth and a gaping mouth,
and went, fought with Hiranyan, terrifying him,
and splitting open his chest
comes victoriously on the street.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1176. The god of Thillai Chitrakudam
colored like a dark cloud comes on the street victorious,
holding a discus and a conch in his hands
as the heroic gods of the sky surround him
and all the seven worlds worship and praise him
while Nappinnai, the daughter of cowherds,
the earth goddess and beautiful Lakshmi accompany him.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1177 ## தேன் அமர் பூம் பொழில் தில்லைச் * சித்திரகூடம் அமர்ந்த * வானவர் தங்கள் பிரானை * மங்கையர் கோன்மருவார் ** ஊன் அமர் வேல் கலிகன்றி * ஒண் தமிழ் ஒன்பதோடு ஒன்றும் * தான் இவை கற்று வல்லார்மேல் * சாரா தீவினை தானே 10 **
1177. Kaliyan, the chief of Thirumangai
who carries a spear and fought with his enemies
composed ten beautiful Tamil pāsurams
on the god of Thillai Chitrakudam
filled with blooming groves dripping with honey.
If devotees recite these ten Tamil poems
they will not experience the results of their bad karmā.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
thĕn — beetles; amar — swarmed; pū — beautiful; pośhil — having garden; thillaich chithirakūdam — in thillaith thiruchchiththirakūdam; amarndha — eternally residing; vānavar thangal̤ pirānai — on the lord of indefatigable nithyasūris; mangaiyar kŏn — being the king of the residents of thirumangai region; maruvār — enemies-; ūn — on bodies; amar — to pierce firmly; vĕl — being an expert in using spear; kali kanṛi — mercifully spoken by āzhvār; oṇ thamizh — composed in beautiful thamizh language; ivai onbadhonṛu — these ten pāsurams; kaṝu — learn with meanings; vallār mĕl — those who can recite; thī vinai — [results of the] sins; sārā — will not come close.
2777. the shining god of Thiruvazhundur
where swans look for food in the wet mud.
He, my dear lord, stays in south Thillai Chitrakudam, (67)
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)