Today, what we call Tamil Nadu lies to the south of the regions where most of the avatars in the epics took place. However, due to the changing times, foreign invasions, frequent wars, and conquests, many holy sites in North India were heavily affected and had to be repeatedly renovated. These places feature + Read more
வடநாட்டு திருப்பதிகள் – முன்னுரை
இன்று தமிழகம் என்று சொல்கின்ற பகுதிக்கு வடக்கு பக்கம் தான் விபவத்தில் அமைந்த அத்தனை அவதாரங்களும் நிகழ்ந்தது. ஆனால் வட இந்தியாவில் காலச் சூழ்நிலைகளாலும், அன்னியர் வருகையாலும், அடிக்கடி நிகழ்ந்த யுத்தங்களாலும், படையெடுப்புகளாலும், திருத்தலங்கள் அதிக + Read more
Thayar: Sri Seethā Pirātti
Moolavar: Sri Rāman, Chakravarthi Thirumagan, Raghunāyagan
312 முடியொன்றிமூவுலகங்களும் ஆண்டு * உன் அடியேற்கருளென்று அவன்பின்தொடர்ந்த * படியில்குணத்துப் பரதநம்பிக்கு * அன்று அடிநிலையீந்தானைப்பாடிப்பற அயோத்தியர்கோமானைப்பாடிப்பற.
312 முடி ஒன்றி * மூவுலகங்களும் ஆண்டு * உன் அடியேற்கு அருள் என்று * அவன்பின் தொடர்ந்த ** படியில் குணத்துப் * பரத நம்பிக்கு * அன்று அடிநிலை ஈந்தானைப் பாடிப் பற * அயோத்தியர் கோமானைப் பாடிப் பற (6)
312. O undi, fly and sing the praise of Rāma who gave
his padukas when his faultless brother Bharatha
followed him and asked him to come back
to rule all the three worlds and be the king and show him
his grace.
Sing the praise of the king of Ayodhya and fly.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
314. O undi, fly and sing the praise of Rāma
who gave the kingdom to his younger brother
and went to the forest obeying his step-mother Kaikeyi's orders
and in the forest he cut off the ears and nose
of thin-waisted Surpanakha as she screamed.
Sing and praise the king of Ayodhya and fly.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
316. O undi, fly and sing His praise who built a bride,
crossed the ocean, entered Lankā and killed his enemy Rāvana
the ten-headed king, and gave his kingdom to Vibhishanā,
Rāvana's good brother.
O undi, fly and sing the praise of the nectar-like sweet god,
Fly and sing the praise of the king of Ayodhya.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
318. Hanuman sees Sita in Asokavanam in Rāvana's Lankā and
“O Beautiful goddess with dark thick hair!
I am your slave. This is my request.
Rāma broke the bow of king Janaka wearing a shining crown
studded with diamonds and married you.
When ParasuRāman, known for his great penance
stopped him on the way to Ayodhya after your marriage,
Rāma broke his bow and destroyed his powerful tapas.
This tells you I am a messenger from Rāma.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
321. “O Vaidehi, beautiful one with covered breasts
O! royal queen of the Ayodhya king, who has a beautiful chariot.
This is my request. Give me your grace and hear me.
He became a good friend of Guhan, who, skilled in using a
sharp spear, lived on the bank of Ganges.
This tells you I am Rāma's messenger.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
325 மைத் தகு மா மலர்க்குழலாய் * வைதேவீ விண்ணப்பம் * ஒத்த புகழ் வானரக்கோன் * உடன் இருந்து நினைத் தேட ** அத்தகு சீர் அயோத்தியர்கோன் * அடையாளம் இவை மொழிந்தான் * இத் தகையால் அடையாளம் * ஈது அவன் கை மோதிரமே (8)
325. “O Vaidehi, with hair dark as kohl
decorated with beautiful flowers, this is my request.
In our search for you, the king of Ayodhya told all these
to me and the monkey chief. so that I could search for you.
Here is a ring from his hand—
the best of all signs that I am his messenger. ”
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
399 வட திசை மதுரை சாளக்கிராமம் * வைகுந்தம் துவரை அயோத்தி * இடம் உடை வதரி இடவகை உடைய * எம் புருடோத்தமன் இருக்கை ** தடவரை அதிரத் தரணி விண்டு இடியத் * தலைப்பற்றிக் கரை மரம் சாடி * கடலினைக் கலங்கக் கடுத்து இழி கங்கைக் * கண்டம் என்னும் கடிநகரே (9)
399. Purshothaman who resides in SālakkiRāmam, Vaikuntam,
Dwaraka, Ayodhya, Thiruvadari (Badrinath)
and northern Madhura resides in the divine Thirukkandam
where the flooding Ganges flows shaking the mountains
with its roar and splitting the earth and making the trees
on its banks fall.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
724. You, the dark jewel of Kannapuram where learned men live,
the king of Ayodhya and the wonderful helper of the sages,
left the desires of worldly life and went to the terrible forest,
obeying the words of your step-mother,
as all your relatives followed you.
O auspicious Rāma, thālelo, thālelo.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
725 ஆலின் இலைப் பாலகனாய் * அன்று உலகம் உண்டவனே * வாலியைக் கொன்று அரசு * இளைய வானரத்துக்கு அளித்தவனே ** காலின் மணி கரை அலைக்கும் * கணபுரத்து என் கருமணியே * ஆலி நகர்க்கு அதிபதியே * அயோத்திமனே தாலேலோ (7)
725. You floated on a banyan leaf when you were a baby,.
swallowed the earth,
killed Vali and gave the kingdom to his younger brother Sugrivan.
You are the dark jewel of Kannapuram
where the wind makes the waves bring jewels
to the banks of the rivers.
You are the king of Thiruvāli.
You are the king of Ayodhya, thālelo.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
741 ## அங்கண் நெடு மதிள் புடை சூழ் அயோத்தி என்னும் * அணி நகரத்து உலகு அனைத்தும் விளக்கும் சோதி * வெங்கதிரோன் குலத்துக்கு ஓர் விளக்காய்த் தோன்றி * விண் முழுதும் உயக் கொண்ட வீரன் தன்னை ** செங்கண் நெடுங்கரு முகிலை இராமன் தன்னைத் * தில்லைநகர்த் திருச்சித்ரகூடந் தன்னுள் * எங்கள் தனி முதல்வனை எம்பெருமான் தன்னை * என்று கொலோ கண் குளிரக் காணும் நாளே (1)
741. Rāma, tall, with beautiful eyes,
colored like a dark cloud,
our dear king, our lord,
the light that illuminates the whole world,
stays in beautiful Ayodhya surrounded by high walls.
Born in the dynasty of the sun,
he brightens that royal line, and he conquered the whole sky
and is the god of Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai.
When will the day come
when I see him joyfully with my eyes?
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
747 குரை கடலை அடல் அம்பால் மறுக எய்து * குலை கட்டி மறுகரையை அதனால் ஏறி * எரி நெடு வேல் அரக்கரொடும் இலங்கை வேந்தன் * இன்னுயிர் கொண்டு அவன் தம்பிக்கு அரசும் ஈந்து ** திருமகளோடு இனிது அமர்ந்த செல்வன் தன்னைத் * தில்லைநகர்த் திருச்சித்ரகூடந் தன்னுள் * அரசு அமர்ந்தான் அடி சூடும் அரசை அல்லால் * அரசு ஆக எண்ணேன் மற்று அரசு தானே (7)
747 kurai kadalai adalampāl maRuha eythu * kulai katti maRu karaiyai athanāl ERi * eri n^edu vEl arakkarodum ilaNGgai vEndhan * innuyir koNdu avan thambikku arasum eendhu * thirumahaLOdu inithamarndha selvan thannai * thillai n^ahar thiruchchithra koodam thannuL * arasamarndhān adi soodum arasai allāl * arasāha eNNEn maRRarasu thānE 10.7
747. As Rāma he shot his arrows to calm the stormy ocean,
made a bridge with the help of the monkeys
and reached Lankā on the other side of the sea.
He killed the Rakshasās who carried strong long spears,
took the life of Rāvana the king of Lankā
and gave the kingdom to Rāvana’s brother Vibhishanā,
and returning to Ayodhya with his wife as lovely as Lakshmi,
he was seated on his throne.
I will not consider anyone my king
except Rāma the god of Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
748 அம் பொன் நெடு மணிமாட அயோத்தி எய்தி * அரசு எய்தி அகத்தியன் வாய்த் தான் முன் கொன்றான் * தன் பெருந்தொல் கதை கேட்டு மிதிலைச் செல்வி * உலகு உய்யத் திரு வயிறு வாய்த்த மக்கள் ** செம் பவளத் திரள்வாய்த் தன் சரிதை கேட்டான் * தில்லைநகர்த் திருச்சித்ரகூடந் தன்னுள் * எம்பெருமான் தன் சரிதை செவியால் கண்ணால் பருகுவோம் * இன்னமுதம் மதியோமின்றே (8)
748. Rāma who reached Ayodhya filled with gold
and beautiful diamond-studded palaces,
heard his own story
from the mouths, red as coral, of his two sons
born to Sita, the princess of Mithila, to save the world.
If we hear and drink in the story of Rāma
of Thiruchitrakudam in Thillai
we have no need of sweet nectar.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
920. The cowherds untie their buffaloes for grazing
and the music of their bamboo flutes
and the sound of the cowbells spread in all directions
as swarms of bees fly all over the fields.
You who carry a bow, the strong king of Ayodhya,
bull among the gods,
destroyed the clan of Rakshasās in Lankā
and you, the strong one, helped the pure sages
do sacrifices and protected them.
O dear god of Srirangam, wake up and give us your grace.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
mEdu iLa mEdhigaL — tall and young buffaloes; thaLai vidum — letting them (buffaloes) loose (for grazing); AyargaL — cowherds (who are blowing); vEynguzhal Osaiyum — the sound/music from the flute; maNi — (of the) bells; kuralum — sound; Ittiya isai — the sound of the two (cowherds flutes and bells tied on the buffaloes); dhisai paranthana — spread in all directions; vayaluL — in the green-fields; surumbu inam — group of beetles; irinthana — started with cheerful sound; ilangiyar kulaththai — rAkshasa clan; vAttiya — destroyed; vari silai — (one who holds) Beautiful bow named sArngam; vAnavar ERE! — dhEvAdhi dhEva! God of gods!; mAmuni — visvAmithra maharishi; vELviyai — yAga – fire sacrifice; kAththu — protected; avabiratham Attiya — facilitated the holy dip/bathing after successful completion of the yAgam; adu thiRal — one who has great valour which can destroy enemies; ayOththi emmarasE — My lord! due to you are being the ruler of ayOdhyA; arangaththammA — Oh lord/master who is lying down in srIragangam!; paLLi ezhundhu aruLAyE — (Thus,) you kindly wake up and give your blessings
1068 ## வில் பெரு விழவும் கஞ்சனும் மல்லும் * வேழமும் பாகனும் வீழ * செற்றவன்-தன்னை புரம் எரி செய்த * சிவன் உறு துயர் களை தேவை ** பற்றலர் வீயக் கோல் கையில் கொண்டு * பார்த்தன்-தன் தேர்முன் நின்றானை * சிற்றவை பணியால் முடி துறந்தானைத் * திருவல்லிக்கேணிக் கண்டேனே-1
1068. The lord fought and killed Kamsan, the wrestlers
and the elephant Kuvalayabeedam and its mahout,
removed the curse of Shivā, the destroyer of the three forts,
helped Arjunā and drove the chariot in the Bhārathā war,
defeating the enemies of the Pāndavās,
and as Rāma, he obeyed the orders of his stepmother
and gave up the kingdom of Ayodhya to his younger brother Bharathan.
He stays in Thiruvallikkeni and I saw him there.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
vil peru vizhavum — the great festival of dhanur yAgam (ritual with bow); kanjanum — kamsa; mallum — the wrestlers such as chANUra, mushtika et al; vEzhamum — the elephant named kuvalayApeedam; pAganum — its mahout; vIzha — to fall down; seRRavan thannai — being the one who destroyed; puram eri seydha — one who burnt thripuram (the three towns); sivan — rudhran; uRu — acquired; thuyar — the suffering due to harming his teacher (brahmA); kaLai — eliminated; dhEvai — being the lord; paRRalar — enemies; vIya — to be destroyed; kOl — thorny stick; kaiyil — in his hand; koNdu — holding; pArththan than — arjunan-s; thEr mun — in front of the chariot; ninRAnai — being the one who stood as the charioteer; siRRavai — step-mother kaikEyi-s; paNiyAl — obeying the words; mudi — crown (which is to be given during coronation); thuRandhAnai — SrI pArthasArathy who well abandoned; thiruvallikkENi — in thiruvallikkENi; kaNdEn — I got to see
1875. “The monkey army of Rāma,
after wearing us down and conquering us,
should not kill our elephants that eat so well
or our galloping horses.
They should not destroy our chariots or the Rākshasas.
Let the dark kuvalai-colored Rāma, the king of Ayodhya
surrounded with tall coral-studded palaces see us.
Let us dance. Kuzhamani thuurame!”
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
Will those in quest of Knowledge seek to know anyone but Irāmapirāṉ, who instilled great love for Him even in the smallest ant and tiny grass in Ayōtti, the blessed city where God's love was rampant? This happened effortlessly, in all things still and mobile, across all places in this world created by Nāṉmukaṉ.
Explanatory Notes
(i) When Irāmapirāṉ (Śrī Rāma) went into exile, even inanimate things got choked with grief, the trees withered away, the tanks and rivers boiled up to such an extent that none could go near them. And when He returned to Ayodhyā at the end of His exile, the trees started yielding fruits out of season, the orchards were all in full blossom, betokening the exuberance of + Read more
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
mudhalA — starting with; pul — very lowly; eRumbu — ant; Adhi — etc; naRpAl — the good place (where SrI rAma-s qualities are observed); ayOththiyil — in SrI ayOdhyA; vAzhum — those who are living, with the joy of enjoying the qualities [of SrI rAma]; sarAsaram — in the form of chara (mobile) and achara (immobile); muRRavum — all entities; nAnmuganAr peRRa — created by brahmA; nAttuLE — in the universe; onRu — any means to be uplifted; inRiyE — while not having; naRpAlukku — the apt land [paramapadham], which is a good place; uyththanan — placed;; kaRpAr — those who desire to learn something which is priyam and hitham; irAman — chakravarthith thirumagan (the son of emperor dhaSaratha and who is too desirable, and who is embodiment of dharma); pirAnai — great benefactor; allAl — other than; maRRum — any entity; kaRparO — will they learn?; nAttil — in the place where his greatness is not understood; piRandhu — taking birth (based on the request of the followers, just as those who are bound by karma take birth)
3516 காண்டும்கொலோ நெஞ்சமே! * கடிய வினையே முயலும் * ஆண் திறல் மீளி மொய்ம்பின் * அரக்கன் குலத்தைத் தடிந்து ** மீண்டும் அவன் தம்பிக்கே * விரி நீர் இலங்கை அருளி * ஆண்டு தன் சோதி புக்க * அமரர் அரியேற்றினையே? (9)
My mind, will we ever behold SriVaikuntam, who routed the formidable Asura Rāvaṇa and installed Vibhīṣaṇa, his brother, on the throne of Laṅkā? Vibhīṣaṇa then returned to Ayodhyā and ruled for thousands of years before returning to SriVaikuntam.
Explanatory Notes
The Āḻvāṟ enquires of his mind whether he will be able to behold Lord Rāma in the glorious setting in spiritual world, surrounded by Angels, soaked in God-love, unlike the Earth where the ungodly aimed missiles at Him.
Word by word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
muyalum — think about and perform the great task; AN — having valorous, prideful masculinity; thiRal — bravery which hurts others; mILi — like a lion; moymbil — having huge pride; arakkan — rAvaNa who is a demoniac person by birth, his; kulaththai — clan (including brother kumbakarNa, son indhrajith et al); thadindhu — severed without any trace; mINdum — further; avan thambikkE — for vibhIshaNa; viri — expansive; nIr — having oceanic water; ilangai — lankA; aruLi — granting the kingdom; ANdu — mercifully returning to SrI ayOdhyA, ruling over the kingdom as the crowned emperor for eleven thousand years; than — his exclusive; sOdhi — paramapadham which is in the form of lustrous light; pukka — return and stay there; amarar — for nithyasUris [eternal associates of emperumAn]; ari — like the best among lions; ERRinai — one who mercifully remains seated revealing his supremacy; nenjamE — Oh heart (which colluded with him for the separation)!; kANdungolO — will see?; InRu — on birth; iLam — being an infant