

For a long time in the world, Thondaradippodi Alvar, who toiled in worldly pleasures, was blessed by Periya Perumal, who revealed the glory of His divine name. The compassionate Lord, who has immense mercy towards the souls that suffer by being born repeatedly, showed that chanting His divine name is an easy way for those who are unable to follow the + Read more
நெடுங்காலம் உலக வாழ்வில் உழன்ற தொண்டரடிப்பொடி ஆழ்வாரை பெரிய பெருமாள் தம் திருநாமத்தின் வைபவத்தைக் காட்டி அருளினார். மாறிமாறி பல பிறப்பு பிறந்து அல்லல்படும் ஜீவாத்மாக்களிடம் அளவற்ற கருணை கொண்ட பகவான், அவர்கள் கர்ம, ஜ்ஞான, பக்தி யோகங்களை கடைப்பிடிக்க திறமையற்றவர்களாயும், சரணாகதி செய்வதற்கு + Read more
Group: 1st 1000
Verses: 872 to 916
Glorification: Sri Ranganāthar (திருவரங்கன்)
  • தனியன் / Taniyan
  • Verse 1:
    872. You, the ancient one, swallowed the three worlds and spit them out. We do not like the feeling that come from the enjoyment of our five senses and we do not sin anymore. The messengers of Yama cannot hurt us now. We are brave because we have learned your names and recite them, O god of Srirangam.
  • Verse 2:
    873. Your body is like a beautiful green hill, your lotus eyes are handsome and your mouth is red as coral. O father, bull among the gods and tender child of the cowherds, I want only to praise you with these words. I do not want anything even if it were the gift of ruling Indra’s world, O god of Srirangam.
  • Verse 3:
    874. Even if a person lives for a hundred years, half of that time is lost in sleep. Much of the remainder is spent in the innocence of childhood and the fleeting vigor of youth, while the rest is consumed by the suffering of sickness, hunger, old age, and other afflictions. O Lord of Srirangam, I yearn to be freed from the cycle of birth and never return to this world again.
  • Verse 4:
    875. When Kstrabandu suffered from bad karmā, he worshipped the god, recited the three syllables of the word “Govinda” and received Mokshā but even after having Rangan, the crazy god who gave his grace to devotees like Ksatrabandu, these samsAris continue to indulge in activities, which sink them deeper into the quagmire of repeated births, instead of getting out of it by reciting the divine names.
  • Verse 5:
    876. If people enjoy the pleasures of women they will fall into many troubles. They will get sick and suffer, unable to eat night and day. Why do those base ones not become the devotees of the Arangan whose chest is adorned with cool thulasi garlands, singing and dancing his praise? They only enjoy the food they eat and do not realize that worshiping the god is like drinking nectar.
  • Verse 6:
    877. You build a façade of illusion, always worry about the next act, live in a frail shell-like body, and never realize it will give way, Instead of serving the Lord Ranga, the fortress of Dharma, you tend to dress this outer wall, then fall prey to vultures.
  • Verse 7:
    878. If people learn the good religious books (Vedās), how can they hear, see and learn about the tenets of the mean religions, Buddhism and Jainism? The one (Arangan) who destroyed Lankā with his bow is the only god of gods, I promise that even if someone cuts off my head I will not die because this is true.
  • Verse 8:
    879. O god of Srirangam, the bald-headed Jains, Buddhists and the Sakyas hate our religion and say terrible things about you. It is better if they get sick and die rather than living. When I hear their evil speech, it hurts me. If I could, I would cut off their heads.
  • Verse 9:
    880. O ignorant men! Is there any other god? You will not understand that he (Arangan) is the only god unless you are in trouble. You should know one thing for sure: there is no god except him. Worship the ankleted feet of our father who grazed the calves.
  • Verse 10:
    881. He created all the gods by his good grace and showed Srirangam as the path to those wishing to be released from their births. O Nambis, listen. The god riding the eagle is here, but you look only for the wealth that is achieved by bad deeds.
  • Verse 11:
    882. Our god, the protector of the world, built a bridge on the large ocean, shooting one arrow, and he fought with the king of the Rakshasās in Lankā. You do not think of the beautiful temple in Srirangam surrounded by forts, and so you do not have good luck in this birth but waste your life.
  • Verse 12:
    883. Once some people heard Yama and Murkalan talking together about the god in hell and thought that hell is heaven. All who forgot that the place of the many-named dear god Nambi is Srirangam and did not worship the god there. They plunged into sorrow and I am worried that they will have trouble in their lives.
  • Verse 13:
    884. All the creatures of this wide earth surrounded by oceans with rolling waves worship the king of the gods in the sky adorned with a fragrant blooming thulasi garland. If ignorant people praise Srirangam, all the hells that have been created for them because of their enjoyment of the senses will be destroyed and disappear.
  • Verse 14:
    885. Beautiful Srirangam is surrounded with groves where bunches of bees swarm around flowers, peacocks dance, clouds float above in the sky and cuckoos sing. Indra the king of the gods comes and stays there. Such is lovely Srirangam. You should take the food that the evil people eat who do not praise Srirangam filled with beautiful groves and give it to the dogs.
  • Verse 15:
    886. The king of the gods with an eagle flag is true for people if they think he is true and he is false if they think he is not true. If someone thinks he can escape birth only by worshiping the god, his doubts about the god will go away and he will understand that Srirangam is the holy city of the beautiful god.
  • Verse 16:
    887. I was a gambler and a thief. I consorted with bad people and was caught in the love-nets of fish-eyed women. But the beautiful god said, “Come out!” and entered my mind and made me love him. Srirangam is the holy city of the beautiful god who made me love him.
  • Verse 17:
    888. I don’t know how to praise you with my tongue and I don’t have the good luck of knowing how to love you or a good mind that knows how to glorify you. My strong iron-like heart melted to see the sweet sugarcane-like god of the wonderful temple in Srirangam surrounded with groves swarming with bees. How my eyes were delighted when I saw him!
  • Verse 18:
    889. My lotus-eyed god rules the world, resting on the milky ocean where waves break on the banks and spray drops of water with foam. My eyes that saw Kannan (Arangan) with a red mouth as soft as a fruit, shed tears. What can I, a sinner, do?
  • Verse 19:
    890. My father (Arangan), the blue ocean-colored lord, rests on the snake bed, and as he rests his head is on the west side, his feet are extended toward the east, his back is turned toward the north and he looks toward Lankā in the south. When I look at him, as he rests, my body melts. O people of the world, what can I do?
  • Verse 20:
    891. The illusionist who rests on a snake bed in Srirangam where the water of the Kaveri flows over its banks, has a beautiful divine chest, strong arms, pure lotus eyes, lovely coral lips and shining hair and his body has the color of an emerald. How could his devotees forget his beautiful form?
  • Verse 21:
    892. Pray and tell O Faithful heart of mine! Without a life of service, without a heart of devotion, is it possible to contemplate the coral-lipped Lord of Arangam? The beautiful gold-plated temple rises like a mountain, with a gem-hued form reclining in it.
  • Verse 22:
    893. O heart, you may speak of him (Arangan) but you cannot really know his greatness. No one can know him unless they are faultless. We can only worship him who stays in the hearts of his faultless devotees. O ignorant heart, can you speak of him? Tell me.
  • Verse 23:
    894. Srirangam is in the middle of the Kaveri river which is purer than the Ganges. and its water rises and spreads through blooming groves. Our dear Thirumāl, our Esan, rests there on the river. How can I live forgetting him after seeing him resting on the water of the Kaveri? I am to be pitied, I am to be pitied.
  • Verse 24:
    895. I see his beautiful lotus face and I see how that thief who stole my heart rests on the Kaveri in Srirangam surrounded by a rising flood of water and flourishing with groves. O my heart, you are brave. You know he is the one you really love, but you love him secretly and spend your days without telling anyone.
  • Verse 25:
    896. I have not lived the life of an orthodox Vediyan bathing and making sacrifices with three fires. I do not understand myself and I am not a devotee in your eyes. What is there for me to be happy about? O Nambi colored blue like the ocean, I cry out for you. Show pity on me and give me your grace, lord of Srirangam!
  • Verse 26:
    897. I don’t worship your golden feet, decorating them constantly with flowers. Even though I have much time, I don’t praise your divine qualities with faultless words. My heart doesn’t know how to love you. O Ranga, I don’t have the fortune of being your devotee. What can I do? I was born in vain.
  • Verse 27:
    898. I am like the innocent squirrel that went to Rāma for refuge after rolling and immersing itself in the wave-filled water as it tried to help the monkeys when they took mountains to build the bridge for Rāma to go to Lankā. My heart is as hard as wood and I am a bad person. I have not served the lord of Srirangam with my mind and am tired and wretched.
  • Verse 28:
    899. Even the gods in the sky do not understand the radiant lord (Arangan) who came to protect the elephant Gajendra and grew angry at the crocodile that ate red meat. Am I fit for him to come to me? I am mean, like a dog and I have not served him. What can I do? I was born in vain.
  • Verse 29:
    900. I don’t belong to a village or own any land. I have no relatives. I worship the feet of you, the highest one, on this earth and know no other refuge, O you with the bright color of the dark clouds. O Kanna! I cry out for you. Whom do I have without you as my support? Come and remove my sorrow, you who are my mother, lord of Srirangam.
  • Verse 30:
    901. I don’t have a pure mind and no good words come from my mouth. I get very angry, shout and say bad things. You are adorned with fresh thulasi garlands, lord of Srirangam, surrounded by the Ponni river. Tell me, what will happen to me, O my ruler.
  • Verse 31:
    902. O lord of Srirangam, I have not done austerities like the sages, I am not wealthy, and I am as useless as salty water, for my friends and relatives. I fell for women whose mouths are like coral and became like dust when I didn’t have money. You gave me this birth that has been wasted.
  • Verse 32:
    903. O Kannan with a body as dark as a thick cloud, lord of beautiful Srirangam where bees sing and swarm in the groves, I don’t know even one path to take to see you. I am a thief, I am violent, stupid and rough. I come to you. You are my refuge.
  • Verse 33:
    904. I stopped telling the truth and fell into the passion of women with long hair. I told only lies and now I have no refuge. I, a liar, come and stand before you, O lord, Ranga, hoping that you will give me your grace. I am a liar, a liar.
  • Verse 34:
    905 Thirumāl abides in my mind but I am unable to understand that he (Arangan) is there. I am a thief disguised as a devotee doing service. When I realized that you are in the minds of those who think of you and you know what they think, I was ashamed and laughed so hard that it seemed my ribs would break.
  • Verse 35:
    906. O my father (Arangan) who measured all the world with your feet, I, a sinner, will not worship anyone but you, the lovely-eyed Thirumāl, my soul, my nectar, my father, as dear to me as my life. I am a sinner, truly I am a sinner.
  • Verse 36:
    907. When you were young you carried Govardhanā mountain to stop the storming rain, O you who are like a sweet river. I suffer, caught in the net of doe-eyes women— why don’t you look at me and give me your grace? I have no one but you. I call you, O ancient one, god of Srirangam.
  • Verse 37:
    908. The bright lord is my father and mother, the god of Srirangam surrounded by the clear water of the Kaveri. I am a poor person. My dear lord doesn’t show me even a little compassion, he doesn’t think, “He is pitiful, I should help him. ” What is this, O lord, Isn’t this a terrible thing to do? “Is he keeping quiet because he thinks that someone else will help me, other than himself? Is he thinking that I am after some other goal in samsAram (materialistic realm)? If he says ‘he is my little fellow’, I will be able to escape from all the troubles.
  • Verse 38:
    909. You, lord of Srirangam surrounded by water, if they (devotees) abandon their wealth, understand divine truth, know that the nature of the soul is to serve the Lord, control their five senses, shave their head weight and stay at your doorstep, lazy and giving up the responsibility of protecting themselves Do you not enjoy them?
  • Verse 39:
    910. O lord of Srirangam whose hair is decorated with a thulasi garland, no one has to be born in a good family to become your servant. Even if someone is born like a dog and doesn’t belong to the families of Vediyars, if he worships your feet ornamented with sounding anklets, it seems you will be happy with him,
  • Verse 40:
    911. O Lord with Srivatsa on your chest! Those who keep you in their thoughts, with their hearts drawn to you, - even if they earn the infamy of killing all creatures and destroying the world with fire, - they will not bear the burden of their acts, such is your grace. O Lord of Srirangam!
  • Verse 41:
    912. Even though they are terrible ones, engaging others in terrible acts, if they only call (Arangan) “O Lord-whom-even gods-can’t comprehend!” and “O Lord-with-bee-humming-Tulasi-garland-wreath!”, if they give the leftovers of what they eat, that becomes sanctified food for me.
  • Verse 42:
    913. Faultless well-bred ones, well versed in the four Vedās, -- even if born in poor families, -- if they are your devotees, you treat them on par with yourself, worthy of worship, saying, “Revere them, give them, take to them. ” O Lord of walled Arangama-nagar!
  • Verse 43:
    914. O lord of beautiful Srirangam, if even Vediyars of the highest caste who recite the six divine Upanishads and the four Vedās disgrace your devotees, they will become Caṇḍālas in a moment.
  • Verse 44:
    915. Shivā with the Ganges in his matted hair and four headed Brahmā, who did tapas for countless ages could not see you and felt ashamed. You came and gave your grace to the elephant Ganjendra, amazing the gods in the sky. No wonder the world seeks you (Arangan) for benign protection.
  • Verse 45:
    916. Thondaradippodi, the pious devotee praised Kannan, Thirumāl, the god of Srirangam, who killed the strong well-fed elephant in flourishing Madhura, that has beautiful palaces decorated with coral. If devotees recite his simple pāsurams they will become his sweet devotees.