ஸ்ரீ புண்டரீகவல்லீ ஸமேத ஸ்ரீ நந்தாவிளக்கு ஸ்வாமிநே நமஹ
Badrinath Narayana
Of the eleven Divya Desams in Thirunangur, it is said that Badrinath Narayana first came to this Divya Desam, transforming the four Vedas into horses to pacify Shiva.
The divine posture in which Narayana is seated in Badrinath, is also seen here.
In Badrikasramam, Sriman Narayana imparted the sacred mantra to Nara and
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திருநாங்கூரில் உள்ள பதினோரு திவ்யதேசங்களில், இந்த திவ்யதேசத்திற்கே முதன் முதலில் பத்ரிநாத் நாராயணன் நான்கு வேதங்களை குதிரைகளாக்கி சிவனை சாந்தப்படுத்த, வந்தார்.
பத்ரியிலும் நாராயணன் என்ற பெயரிலேயே அமர்ந்த திருக்கோலம், இங்கும் அமர்ந்த திருக்கோலமே.
1218 நந்தாவிளக்கே! அளத்தற்கு அரியாய்! நரநாரணனே! கருமாமுகில் போல் எந்தாய்! * எமக்கே அருளாயெனநின்று இமையோர் பரவும் இடம் * எத்திசையும் கந்தாரம் அந்தேன் இசைபாடமாடே களிவண்டுமிழற்ற நிழல்துதைந்து * மந்தாரம் நின்று மணமல்குநாங்கூர் மணிமாடக் கோயில் வணங்கு என்மனனே! (2)
1218 ## நந்தா விளக்கே அளத்தற்கு அரியாய் * நர நாரணனே கரு மா முகில்போல் எந்தாய் * எமக்கே அருளாய் என நின்று * இமையோர் பரவும் இடம் ** எத் திசையும் கந்தாரம் அம் தேன் இசை பாட மாடே * களி வண்டு மிழற்ற நிழல் துதைந்து * மந்தாரம் நின்று மணம் மல்கும் நாங்கூர் * மணிமாடக்கோயில் வணங்கு என் மனனே 1
1218. The gods come from the sky and worship the lord saying,
“You are everlasting light. No one can measure your power.
You are Nārāyanān who took the form of a man-lion
and split open the chest of Hiranyan.
O father whose body has the color of a dark cloud, give us your grace. ”
He is god of Manimādakkoyil in Thirunāngur
filled with groves where happy bees swarm everywhere singing the kandāram rāgam
and pārijādam trees grow thick, giving shade and spreading fragrance.
O my heart, go to worship him in the temple in Nāngur where he stays.
1st line refers to satyam jnanam anantam Brahmā (Tait. 2. 1. 1)
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
nandhā vil̤akkĕ — ŏh you who are having the true nature of being eternal and self-illuminating knowledge!; al̤aththaṛku ariyāy — ŏh you who are incomprehensible!; nara nāraṇanĕ — ŏh you who incarnated as nara and nārāyaṇa!; karu mā mugil pŏl endhāy — ŏh you, my lord, who are having divine form which matches a dark, great cloud!; emakkĕ — ḫor us who are favourable and have no other refuge than you; arul̤ay ena — saying -you should mercifully give your grace-; imaiyŏr — dhĕvathās; ninṛu — coming and standing on earth; paravum idam — being the abode where they will sing sthŏthrams (hymns in praīse)etc and surrender; am thĕn — beautiful beetles; eththisaiyum — in all directions; kandhāram isai pāda — to sing rāgas like dhĕva gāndhāri etc; kal̤i vaṇdu — beetles who have drunk honey; mādĕ — in the surroundings; mizhaṝa — to hum; nizhal thudhaindhu — giving shade to those beetles; mandhāram ninṛu maṇam malgum — mandhāra trees blossoming in all seasons and spreading abundant fragrance; nāngūr — in thirunāngūr; maṇi mādak kŏyil — thirumaṇimādak kŏyil; en mananĕ — ŏh my heart!; vaṇangu — surrender
1219 முதலைத் தனி மா முரண் தீர அன்று * முது நீர்த் தடச் செங் கண் வேழம் உய்ய * விதலைத்தலைச் சென்று அதற்கே உதவி * வினை தீர்த்த அம்மான் இடம் ** விண் அணவும் பதலைக்க போதத்து ஒளி மாட நெற்றிப் * பவளக் கொழுங் கால பைங் கால் புறவம் * மதலைத் தலை மென் பெடை கூடும் நாங்கூர் * மணிமாடக்கோயில் வணங்கு என் மனனே 2
1219. Our father who took away the suffering
of the trembling elephant Gajendra
when a crocodile in a deep pond caught him
stays in Manimādakkoyil in Thirunāngur
filled with shining palaces and pillars that touch the sky,
where the male doves with beautiful coral-like legs
love their gentle mates with soft fledglings.
O heart, worship him in that temple.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1220 கொலைப் புண் தலைக் குன்றம் ஒன்று உய்ய * அன்று கொடு மா முதலைக்கு இடர்செய்து * கொங்கு ஆர் இலை புண்டரீகத்தவள் இன்பம் அன்போடு ** அணைந்திட்ட அம்மான் இடம் * ஆள் அரியால் அலைப்புண்ட யானை மருப்பும் அகிலும் * அணி முத்தும் வெண் சாமரையோடு * பொன்னி மலைப் பண்டம் அண்ட திரை உந்து நாங்கூர் * மணிமாடக்கோயில் வணங்கு என் மனனே 3
1220. The lord who saved the mountain-like elephant Gajendra,
killing the crocodile that had caught him and wounded him on the head,
stays in ThiruManimādakkoyil in Thirunāngur
where the waves of the Ponni river
carry the tusks of elephants attacked by lions, fragrant akil,
beautiful pearls and white sāmarais
and leave them all on the banks.
O heart, let us go to that temple and worship him
where he stays holding Lakshmi on a lotus that drips honey.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1221 சிறை ஆர் உவணப் புள் ஒன்று ஏறி * அன்று திசை நான்கும் நான்கும் இரிய * செருவில் கறை ஆர் நெடு வேல் அரக்கர் மடியக் * கடல் சூழ் இலங்கை கடந்தான் இடம் தான் ** முறையால் வளர்க்கின்ற முத் தீயர் நால் வேதர் * ஐ வேள்வி ஆறு அங்கர் ஏழின் இசையோர் * மறையோர் வணங்கப் புகழ் எய்து நாங்கூர் * மணிமாடக்கோயில் வணங்கு என் மனனே 4
1221. Our lord who went to Lankā surrounded with oceans
riding on large-winged Garudā
and fought and destroyed the Rākshasas
who carried long spears smeared with blood,
making them run away on all sides
stays in Manimādakkoyil
where Vediyars worship him in his famous temple,
perform the five sacrifices, make the three fires,
recite the six Upanishads and know the seven kinds of music.
O heart, let us go to Nangur and worship him.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
anṛu — āt the time when cruelty was abundant; siṛai — wings which help to fly; ār — present without any shortcoming; onṛu — matchless; uvaṇap pul̤ — on garudāzhvār who is known as periya thiruvadi; ĕṛi — climbed and mercifully arrived; seruvil — opposed in the battle; kaṛaiyār — complete with stains; nedu vĕl — having long spear; arakkar — rākshasas; thisai nāngum nāngum — in eight directions; iriya — to make (some) run; madiya — to kill (some); kadal sūzh — fortified by ocean; ilangai — the town, lankā; kadandhān — emperumān who won over, his; idam — being the abode; muṛaiyāl — by the methods explained in vĕdham; val̤arkkinṛa — performing hŏmam (fire sacrifice; oblation); muththīyar — those who have three fires; nāl vĕdhar — those who are well versed in four vĕdhams; aivĕl̤vi āṛu angar — those who are endowed with five great oblations and six ancillary subjects of vĕdham; ĕzhin isaiyŏr — those who truly know the seven svaras (tunes); maṛaiyŏr — distinguished brāhmaṇas; vaṇanga — due to surrendering with offering obeisances; pugazh eydhum — acquiring great fame; nāngūr — in thirunāngūr; maṇi mādak kŏyil — thirumaṇimādak kŏyil; en mananĕ — ŏh my heart!; vaṇangu — surrender
1222. Our lord drank poisonous milk from the breasts of Putanā
and killed her,
threw Vatsāsuran when he came as a calf onto Kapithasuran
who had the form of a Vilām fruit tree, killing them both,
broke the Kurundam tree and made its tender leaves wither,
and entered the lotus pond and danced on the head of Kālingan.
He stays in Manimadakkoyil in Nāngur
where the tender shoots of the trees and the blooming creepers embrace each other,
cuckoo birds coo and peacocks dance as the clouds float over the groves.
O heart, let us go to Nāngur and worship him.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
izhai — ornaments; ādu — swaying; kongaith thalai — in the pūthanā-s bosom tips; nanjam — poison; uṇdittu — consumed; vil̤angāy — on the demon who stood as the wood apple; il̤am kanṛu koṇdu — lifted up the demon who came as the young calf; eṛindhu — threw to kill both of them; van thāl̤ — having strong roots; kurundham — kurundha tree; thazhai vāda — to make its branches wither; osiththu — broke; thadam — vast; thāmaraip poygai — in lotus pond; pukkān — krishṇa who went and stole the clothes of the gŏpikā girls, his; idam — being the abode; kuzhai — sprouts of trees; āda — as they sway (due to the soft breeśe); vallik kulam — the collection of creepers (which spread on those branches); āda — to sway; mādu — in the surroundings; kuyil — cuckoos; kūva — to sing; mazhai ādu — where the clouds are roaming; sŏlai — in the garden; mayil ālum — peacocks dance; nīdu — tall; kodi — flags planted; mādam — mansions; malgum — are present closely to each other; nāngūr — in thirunāngūr; maṇi mādak kŏyil — thirumaṇimādak kŏyil; en mananĕ — ŏh my heart!; vaṇangu — surrender
1223 பண் நேர் மொழி ஆய்ச்சியர் அஞ்ச வஞ்சப் * பகு வாய்க் கழுதுக்கு இரங்காது * அவள் தன் உண்ணா முலை மற்று அவள் ஆவியோடும் * உடனே சுவைத்தான் இடம் ** ஓங்கு பைந் தாள் கண் ஆர் கரும்பின் கழை தின்று வைகிக் * கழுநீரில் மூழ்கிச் செழு நீர்த் தடத்து * மண் ஏந்து இள மேதிகள் வைகு நாங்கூர் * மணிமாடக்கோயில் வணங்கு என் மனனே 6
1223. Our lord who did not feel sorry for Putanā
when he drank the milk from her breasts and killed her
while the cowherd women
whose words are sweeter than music looked on terrified
stays in Manimādakkoyil in Thirunāgur
where young buffaloes eat canes of sugarcane,
plunge into the muddy water of the ponds
and come out carrying mud on their horns.
O heart, let us go to Nāngur and worship him.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
paṇ nĕr — matching a song; mozhi — having speech; āychchiyar — cowherd girls; anja — to fear; vanjam — deceit of coming in mother-s form; pagu vāy — having huge mouth; kazhudhukku — in pūthanā (the demon); irangādhu — without him suffering; aval̤ than — her; uṇṇā — due to being poisoned, none other could consume; mulai — breast milk; maṝu — further; aval̤ āviyŏdum — with her life; udanĕ suvaiththān — krishṇa who mercifully consumed simultaneously, his; idam — being the abode; il̤a mĕdhigal̤ — buffalo calves; ŏngu — tallness; paim thāl̤ — greenish bottoms; kaṇ ār — having narrow joints; karumbin — sugarcanes-; kazhai thinṛu — eating the shoots; vaigi — stayed in the same place for some time; kazhu nīril — in the water-body with sengazhunīr (purple īndian water lily) flowers; mūzhgi — entered and immersed; sezhu nīrth thadaththu — immersed in the pond having beautiful water; maṇ ĕndhu — holding mud on horns; vaigum — remaining there without climbing on the shore; nāngūr — in thirunāngūr; maṇi mādak kŏyil — thirumaṇimādak kŏyil; en mananĕ — ŏh my heart!; vaṇangu — surrender
1224 தளைக் கட்டு அவிழ் தாமரை வைகு பொய்கைத் * தடம் புக்கு அடங்கா விடம் கால் அரவம் * இளைக்கத் திளைத்திட்டு அதன் உச்சி தன்மேல் * அடி வைத்த அம்மான் இடம் ** மா மதியம் திளைக்கும் கொடி மாளிகை சூழ் தெருவில் * செழு முத்து வெண்ணெற்கு எனச் சென்று * முன்றில் வளைக்கை நுளைப் பாவையர் மாறும் நாங்கூர் * மணிமாடக்கோயில் வணங்கு என் மனனே 7
1224. Our father who went into the pond of blooming lotuses,
fought with the snake Kālingan,
defeated him and danced on his head
stays in Manimādakkoyil in Thirunāgur
where gypsies ornamented with lovely bangles
walk on the streets by the palaces where flags fly,
and, standing in their front yards, sell pearls, saying,
“We will give you precious pearls for white rice. ”
O heart, let us go there and worship him.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1225 துளை ஆர் கரு மென் குழல் ஆய்ச்சியர் தம் * துகில் வாரியும் சிற்றில் சிதைத்தும் * முற்றா இளையார் விளையாட்டொடு காதல் வெள்ளம் * விளைவித்த அம்மான் இடம் ** வேல் நெடுங் கண் முளை வாள் எயிற்று மடவார் பயிற்று * மொழி கேட்டிருந்து முதிராத இன் சொல் * வளை வாய கிள்ளை மறை பாடும் நாங்கூர் * மணிமாடக்கோயில் வணங்கு என் மனனே 8
1225. Our father who stole the clothes of the cowherd girls
with soft dark curly hair
and played and kicked over their play houses,
breaking them as their love for him increased like a flood,
stays in Manimādakkoyil in Thirunāngur
where young parrots with curving beaks
repeat the sweet words of the Vedās
that the beautiful girls with long spear-like eyes and shining teeth have taught them.
O heart, let us go there and worship him.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
1226 விடை ஓட வென்று ஆய்ச்சி மென் தோள் நயந்த * விகிர்தா விளங்கு சுடர் ஆழி என்னும் * படையோடு சங்கு ஒன்று உடையாய் என நின்று * இமையோர் பரவும் இடம் ** பைந் தடத்துப் பெடையோடு செங் கால அன்னம் துகைப்பத் * தொகைப் புண்டரீகத்திடைச் செங்கழுநீர் * மடை ஓட நின்று மது விம்மு நாங்கூர் * மணிமாடக்கோயில் வணங்கு என் மனனே 9
1226. The lord is worshiped and praised by the gods in the sky saying,
“You carry a shining discus and a conch.
You fought with seven bulls
to marry the cowherd girl Nappinnai and embraced her arms. ”
He stays in Manimādākkoyil in Thirunāngur
where a red-legged swan stays with his mate
in a beautiful pond and they play among the lotuses
so their pollen falls on beautiful kazhuneer flowers
and the honey from the flowers drips and falls into the channel.
O heart, go there and worship him.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
vidai — seven bulls; ŏda — to run away and die; venṛu — winning (those); āychchi — nappinnaip pirātti-s; men thŏl̤ — embracing of tender shoulders; nayandha — desired; vigirdhā — ŏh one who has distinguished acts!; vil̤angu — shining; sudar — having radiance; āzhi ennum padaiyŏdu — with the weapon thiruvāzhi (divine chakra); onṛu sangu udaiyāy — ŏh one who has the distinguished ṣrī pānchajanyam!; ena ninṛu — saying this; imaiyŏr — dhĕvathās such as brahmā et al; paravum — continuously praising; idam — being the abode; pedaiyŏdu — with female swan; sem kāla — having reddish feet; annam — swan (due to drinking honey, being unable to see next steps); paim thadaththu — in the beautiful pond; thogaip puṇdarīkam — gathered lotus flowers; thugaippa — as they stomp (due to that); idai — present in between those lotus flowers; sengazhunīr — sengazhunīr flowers [purple īndian water lily]; madai ŏda — though the canals are filled and flowing; ninṛu madhu vimmum — the flood of honey from inside is flowing; nāngūr — in thirunāngūr; maṇi mādak kŏyil — thirumaṇimādak kŏyil; en mananĕ — ŏh my heart!; vaṇangu — surrender
1227 ## வண்டு ஆர் பொழில் சூழ்ந்து அழகு ஆய நாங்கூர் * மணிமாடக்கோயில் நெடுமாலுக்கு * என்றும் தொண்டு ஆய தொல் சீர் வயல் மங்கையர் கோன் * கலியன் ஒலிசெய் தமிழ் மாலை வல்லார் ** கண்டார் வணங்கக் களி யானை மீதே * கடல் சூழ் உலகுக்கு ஒரு காவலர் ஆய் * விண் தோய் நெடு வெண் குடை நீழலின் கீழ் * விரி நீர் உலகு ஆண்டு விரும்புவரே 10
1227. Kaliyan, the devotee of him
who is the king of Thirumangai surrounded with flourishing fields
and groves swarming with bees,
composed ten musical Tamil pāsurams on Nedumāl
in the Manimādakkoyil in beautiful Nāngur.
If devotees learn and recite them well,
they will become the kings of the wide world
surrounded by oceans and ride on rutting elephants
in the shade of white umbrellas that touch the sky,
and they will rule the world and enjoy their lives.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
vaṇdu ār — ḥaving abundance of beetles; pozhil sūzhndhu — surrounded by gardens; azhagāya — beautiful; nāngūr — in thirunāngūr; maṇi mādak kŏyil — eternally residing in thirumaṇimādak kŏyil; nedu mālukku — for sarvĕṣvaran; enṛum thoṇdāya — acquired due to engaging in eternal kainkaryam; thol sīr — having endless wealth; vayal mangaiyar kŏn — the king of thirumangai region which is surrounded by fertile fields; kaliyan — āzhvār; oli sey — mercifully spoke; thamizh mālai vallār — those who can willingly learn these ten pāsurams which are like garlands; kaṇdār vaṇanga — to be bowed down at their divine feet by those who saw them; kal̤i yānai mīdhĕ — being seated on intoxicated elephant and coming on a procession; kadal sūzh ulagaukku — the earth which is surrounded by four oceans; oru kāvalarāy — being the independent controller; viṇ thŏy — going up to sky; nedu veṇ kudai nīzhalin kīzh — remaining under the shade of pearl umbrella; viri nīr ulagāṇdu — ruling over the brahmāṇdam (universe of brahmā) which is surrounded by āvaraṇa jalam (layer of water).; viirumbuvar — will remain endlessly joyful
1850 வேலை ஆல் இலைப் * பள்ளி விரும்பிய * பாலை ஆர் அமுதத்தினைப் * பைந் துழாய் ** மாலை ஆலியில் * கண்டு மகிழ்ந்து போய் * ஞாலம் உன்னியைக் காண்டும் * நாங்கூரிலே 3
1850. Thirumāl who is sweet as milk and nectar,
and lies on a banyan leaf as a baby on the ocean
is adorned with green thulasi garlands.
I will find joy seeing him in Thiruvāli
and then I will go to Manimādakkoyil in Nangur
and see him in front of the nyalal tree.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
2783. He is the four everlasting Vedās.
He is Tamizh Vedā flourishing in Thiruppullāni in the Pandiyan country and he is Sanskrit Vedā.
He is the beloved of Lakshmi and shines like the moon,
the god of Manimādakkoyil in Nāgai,
and the god of Thalaichangam surrounded by the ocean. (72)
I worship the god Kannan,
the lord of Thirukkannapuram
and of Manimādakkoyil in southern Thirunaraiyur. ”
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)