ஸ்ரீ பெருஞ்செல்வநாயகீ (வாத்சல்யவல்லி) ஸமேத ஸ்ரீ காட்கரையப்பன் ஸ்வாமிநே நமஹ
Thirukkakkara (Vamanakshetram) - About this Place
Thirukkakkara, also known as Vamanakshetram, is located in the Aluva region of Kerala, about 15 kilometers north of the Ernakulam railway station on the Shoranur-Ernakulam route. From Aluva, travel 8 kilometers and take another bus to reach the temple. It is about 4 kilometers east of Idappalli
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கேரளாவில் ஆலவாய் திருச்சூர் இரயில் மார்க்கத்தில் இருஞானக்கொடி புகை வண்டி நிலயத்தில் இருந்தும் அங்காமலி புகை வண்டி நிலையத்தில் இருந்தும், வடக்கே சுமார் 15 கிலோமீட்டர் தூரத்தில் இருக்கிறது. ஆலவாய் போகும் வழியில் . 8 கிலோமீட்டர் சென்று அங்கிருந்து இன்னொரு பேருந்தில் செல்ல வேண்டும். அதிக + Read more
Thayar: Sri Perunselva Nāyaki (Sri Vātsalya Valli) Nāchiyār
What can this doting vassal do, whose love knows no bounds for the mystic Lord residing lovingly in Tirukkāṭkarai, where the streets are perfumed with scarlet lilies? As I contemplate His wondrous traits, my heart melts in devotion.
Explanatory Notes
The Āzhvār wants to know how to stem the on-rush of his Godlove and the resultant melting down of his heart, so as to remain steady and stable and enjoy the Lord at Tirukkāṭkarai. But this is next to impossible because he is overwhelmed by the Deity’s extra-ordinary love and condescension. The heart is the principal functionary for enjoyment and if it gives way, no enjoyment + Read more
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
thirukkātkarai — in thirukkātkarai; maruviya — residing firmly; māyan than — amaśing lord-s; māyam — very amaśing qualities such as saundharya (beauty), ṣeela (simplicity) etc; ninaidhoṛum — every time ī think about; nenjam — my heart (which is the first tool for enjoyment); urugum — became fluid after breaking down;; uyirin param anṛi — to be unbearable for the āthmā (self); vĕtkai — affection; perugum — is growing greatly;; thoṇdanĕn — ī who am very desirous; en seygĕn — what shall ī do? (ṣhall ī change the breaking of the heart, shall ī control my affection, shall ī avoid the qualities etc which are enjoyable or shall ī avoid the desire towards him?); sunai kol̤ — having ponds; pūm sŏlai — having flower gardens
3729 நினைதொறும் சொல்லும்தொறும் * நெஞ்சு இடிந்து உகும் * வினைகொள் சீர் பாடிலும் * வேம் எனது ஆர் உயிர் ** சுனைகொள் பூஞ்சோலைத் * தென் காட்கரை என் அப்பா நினைகிலேன் நான் உனக்கு ஆட்செய்யும் நீர்மையே (2)
Oh, Sire, residing in Teṉkāṭkarai with many a pond and fine orchard, as I dote on Your auspicious traits that steal away my sins, my heart gives way. When I begin to utter Your glory, my mind melts down and my soul burns with passion. If I could sing Your praise and serve You, I know not how I can.
Explanatory Notes
The Lord’s tender solicitude for the Āzhvār, His amazing simplicity and astounding love, exhibited in VIII-7, made it appear that the Āzhvār was His sole concern and He literally doted on him. In trying to recollect, in this decad, the extra-ordinary posture of the Lord, the Āzhvār only finds that he is attempting the impossible. His mind was not equal to the task, giving + Read more
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
then — attractive; kātkarai — in thirukkātkarai; en appā — oh one who is standing as my eternal relative!; vinai kol̤ — revealing your activities relating to the great union; sīr — qualities such as ṣeela (simplicity), saulabhya (easy approachability) etc; ninai thoṛum — thinking about it, every moment; nenju — the tool which is used for such thinking; idindhu — becoming broken; sollum thoṛum — every moment, ī speak; urugum — the heart will melt and become fluid;; pādilum — even if ī tried to sustain myself by singing (as said in thiruvāimozhi 1.7.10 “pādi il̤aippilam” (ī have no reason to take a break from glorifying his incomparable auspicious qualities)); enadhu ār uyir — my āthmā (self) which is the abode of the senses; vĕm — became burnt;; nān — ī (who am like this); unakku ātcheyyum — to perform service to you; nīrmai — form/aspect; ninaigilĕn — unable to even think.; nīrmaiyāl — due to revealing the quality of svasvāmi sambandham (property-owner relationship); nenjam — my heart
3730 நீர்மையால் நெஞ்சம் * வஞ்சித்துப் புகுந்து * என்னை ஈர்மைசெய்து * என் உயிர் ஆய் என் உயிர் உண்டான் ** சீர் மல்கு சோலைத் * தென் காட்கரை என் அப்பன் * கார் முகில் வண்ணன் தன் * கள்வம் அறிகிலேன் (3)
I thought the Lord entered me, being my Master, to sustain me, but what was really the matter? Once inside, He caught me unawares and shattered my mind with His simplicity, wanting to serve me, His vassal. The stealthy ways of the cloud-hued Lord, Who dwells in Teṉkāṭkarai amid lovely gardens, I can’t tell.
Explanatory Notes
If only the Āzhvār had a prior knowledge of the Lord’s intention to reverse the normal gear and serve him, His born vassal, he would not have allowed Him access to the interior of his heart. Having gained entry, the Lord displayed His amazing simplicity whereby He made the Āzhvār just melt down and dwindle. Having kindled God-love in the Āzhvār, the Lord just devoured
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
vanjiththu — owning me; pugundhu — entering me; ennai īrmai seydhu — melting me; en uyir āy — (with these two aspects) being the one who sustains me; en uyir uṇdān — being the one who consumes me; sīr malgu — having abundance of honey and flowers; sŏlai — having garden; then — beautiful; kātkarai — due to the presence in thirukkātkarai; en appan — being my benefactor; kār mugil vaṇṇan than — the monsoon-cloud like greatly generous emperumān-s; kal̤vam — his mischievous act where the means and end are different; aṛigilĕn — ī don-t understand it to be in a particular manner.; thannul̤ — in a fraction of his vow; anaiththulagum — all entities of all worlds
3731 அறிகிலேன் தன்னுள் * அனைத்து உலகும் நிற்க * நெறிமையால் தானும் * அவற்றுள் நிற்கும் பிரான் ** வெறி கமழ் சோலைத் * தென் காட்கரை என் அப்பன் * சிறிய என் ஆர் உயிர் உண்ட * திரு அருளே (4)
The Lord Supreme sustains all things and beings and abides in them all. It is beyond me to understand why my Sire, dwelling in Teṉkāṭkarai amid fragrant gardens, should deign to lavish His affections on this petty soul.
Explanatory Notes
It is indeed incredible that the Lord, higher than whom there is none, should pounce upon a frail being like the Āzhvār, with such avidity. As Nampiḷḷai would put it, the Āzhvār is at a loss to know whether the Lord did so out of love or He was out to kill him with His overwhelming kindness. The Lord just grabbed at the Āzhvār, saying that the latter, in his native humility,
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
niṛka — to remain firmly; thānum — he too; neṛimaiyāl — in proper manner (of servitor-master which is a result of body-soul relationship); avaṝul̤ — in them; niṛkum — remaining; pirān — being the benefactor; veṛi kamazh — spreading distinguished fragrance; sŏlai — having garden; then kākarai — standing in thirukkātkarai; en appan — my lord; siṛiya en — very lowly me, my; ār uyir — āthmā (soul); uṇda — intently enjoyed; thiru arul̤ — favour of sauṣeelyam (simplicity); aṛigilĕn — ī am unable to precisely understand.; thiruvarul̤ — the great favour (of accepting my service, as ī prayed in thiruvāimozhi 3.3.1 -adimai seyya vĕṇdunām-); seybavanpŏla — like those who do
3732 திரு அருள் செய்பவன் போல * என்னுள் புகுந்து * உருவமும் ஆர் உயிரும் * உடனே உண்டான் ** திரு வளர் சோலைத் * தென் காட்கரை என் அப்பன் * கரு வளர் மேனி * என் கண்ணன் கள்வங்களே (5)
How stealthy indeed are the ways of the dark-hued Lord! Kaṇṇaṉ, my Sire, who dwells in Teṉkāṭkarai amid lovely orchards, entered my heart as if to bestow His grace and reclaim me, His vassal. But He pounced on me, body and soul alike, with immense delight.
Explanatory Notes
The Lord sheds His grace, according to the Āzhvār, when He takes service from him, true to his essential nature. The Āzhvār welcomed the Lord’s entry into the interior of his heart, thinking that it would help to sustain his basic stance, as His exclusive vassal from time immemorial. But what actually transpired sent him aghast. Prior to the dawn of true knowledge of his + Read more
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
ennul̤ — in my heart; pugundhu — entered; uruvamum — my body (which is to be given up by me); ār uyirum — and the soul which is pervading (in the body); udanĕ uṇdān — he desired without discriminating between what is to be given up and what is to be pursued!; thiruval̤ar — most beautiful; sŏlai — having garden; thenkātkarai — in thirukkātkarai; en appan — being my lord; karuval̤ar mĕni — having form with dark complexion (due to uniting with me); en kaṇṇan — my very obedient krishṇa-s; kal̤vangal̤ĕ — deceptive acts are!; em kaṇṇan — krishṇa who has great love towards me, his; kal̤vam — deceptive acts (which are one way on the face and other way in the inside)
3733 என் கண்ணன் கள்வம் * எனக்குச் செம்மாய் நிற்கும் * அம் கண்ணன் உண்ட * என் ஆர் உயிர்க் கோது இது ** புன்கண்மை எய்திப் * புலம்பி இராப்பகல் * என் கண்ணன் என்று * அவன் காட்கரை ஏத்துமே (6)
Guileless that I am, I fell an easy prey to the wily overtures of Kaṇṇaṉ, my Lord. My soul, sapped by Him, cries out His name night and day, and meditates on Kāṭkarai where He resides.
Explanatory Notes
The Āzhvār, who points the accusing finger at the Lord and calls Him names while in a state of desolation due to separation from Him, sinks all such thoughts, rather, forgets all about them, when the Lord presents Himself before him. Here then is the tantalising charm of the Lord. The Āzhvār took Him at His face value and thoroughly enjoyed his erstwhile union with Him. + Read more
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
3734 காட்கரை ஏத்தும் * அதனுள் கண்ணா என்னும் * வேட்கை நோய் கூர * நினைந்து கரைந்து உகும் ** ஆட்கொள்வான் ஒத்து * என் உயிர் உண்ட மாயனால் * கோள் குறைபட்டது * என் ஆர் உயிர் கோள் உண்டே (7)
The wondrous Lord did consume my soul after getting inside me, as if to make me His vassal. Yet, what little remains of my soul proclaims the glory of Kāṭkarai and calls out to Him who dwells therein. Oh, my Lord Kaṇṇā, love-sick, my soul dwindles, recounting His ravishing love during our erstwhile union.
Explanatory Notes
Consumed by God-love, the Āzhvār feels that he has been fully consumed by God. Still, he keeps pining for Him and the pilgrim centre where He stands enshrined and this shows that a little bit of his partly eaten-up soul is still lingering. Wonder-struck and overwhelmed indeed is the Āzhvār, that the Omniscient Lord should dote on a frail being, like him, in this manne
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
uṇda — consumed inside him; māyanāl — by the amaśing personality; kŏl̤ uṇdĕ — even after being consumed; kŏl̤ — enjoyment; kuṛaipattadhu — said to be remainder; en ār uyir — my soul; kātkarai — thirukkātkarai (where he is residing); ĕththum — will praise;; adhanul̤ — standing in there; kaṇṇā ennum — will call him who is obedient, as -kaṇṇā-;; vĕtkai nŏy — desire to enjoy; kūra — to increase; ninaindhu — thought (about his interactions); karaindhu — becoming broken; ugum — will melt to become fluid;; kŏl̤ uṇdān anṛi vandhu — coming unconditionally instead of being pursued (by me); en uyir — my āthmā (soul)
3735 கோள் உண்டான் அன்றி வந்து * என் உயிர் தான் உண்டான் * நாளும் நாள் வந்து * என்னை முற்றவும் தான் உண்டான் ** காள நீர் மேகத் * தென் காட்கரை என் அப்பற்கு * ஆள் அன்றே பட்டது? * என் ஆர் உயிர் பட்டதே (8)
There’s indeed nothing I could offer unto the Lord, and yet, He did out of His voluntary grace enter my soul and day by day consumed it in full. Should my cloud-hued Lord, who dwells in Kāṭkarai, afflict my soul thus, simply because I am His vassal?
Explanatory Notes
(i) Even as the Āzhvār experiences the marvellous communications unfolded unto him from the Lord, an inexhaustible fountain of bliss, ever fresh, the Lord enjoys the Āzhvār with a similar feeling of reciprocity. The Āzhvār says:
(a) The Lord lavished His affections on the Āzhvār’s soul, purely as a matter of spontaneous grace;
(b) The Lord enjoyed the Āzhvār with + Read more
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
3736 ஆர் உயிர் பட்டது * எனது உயிர் பட்டது * பேர் இதழ்த் தாமரைக் கண் * கனி வாயது ஓர் ** கார் எழில் மேகத் * தென் காட்கரை கோயில் கொள் சீர் எழில் நால் தடம் தோள் * தெய்வவாரிக்கே? (9)
Is there yet another soul like mine, smitten by love unto the Lord of exquisite charm? With four graceful shoulders, large and lovely lotus eyes, red lips, and a form of unparalleled beauty, like dark, lovely clouds, He is a delectable ocean to the demi-gods above. This wondrous Lord has taken up His abode in Teṉkāṭkarai.
Explanatory Notes
To a question, supposed to have been put to the Āzhvār, as to whether all those engrossed with the Lord’s attributes are not in the same plight as he and why he should make much ado about it, this is the Āzhvār’s reply. He avers that even the ‘Nitya Sūrīs’ in spiritual world, the Eternal Angels, known for their deep absorption in the Lord’s auspicious traits and incessant + Read more
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
kaṇ — eyes; kani — reddish like a fruit; vāyadhu — having lips/mouth; ŏr — distinguished; kār ezhil — having dark beauty; mĕga — like a cloud; then — beautiful; kātkarai — thirukkātkarai; kŏyil kol̤ — having as residence; sīr ezhil — having vīraṣrī (bravery) and beauty; nāl — four different; thadam — huge; thŏl̤ — having divine shoulders; dheyvam — for dhĕvathās; vārikku — being the ocean which is the originating place; enadhu uyir — my āthmā; pattadhu — being immersed as the enjoyable object; ār uyir pattadhu — did the nithyasūris who enjoy him eternally immerse in the same way?; unnaik kāṇil — if ī see you; vārik koṇdu — without leaving anything such as your svarūpam (true nature), rūpam (form), guṇa (qualities), vibhūthi (wealth), behind
Eager I was indeed to gather the Lord up and devour if only I could behold Him. But my cloud-hued Sire, ever alert, who has taken abode in Kāṭkarai, consumed me in full, going well ahead.
Explanatory Notes
It can be firmly asserted that this song is indeed the very cream of the entire hymnal, yielding, as it does, the grand thesis that attainment of the individual soul is the Lord’s great gain. This incidentally sets at naught the oft-debated concept of the individual gaining the Lord and striving to that end. In the ‘Song Celestial’, Lord Kṛṣṇa said, in a tone of frustration, + Read more
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
vizhunguvan enṛu — vowing to swallow completely; ārvuṝa — desired; ennai ozhiya — more than me; ennil munnam — before me (from the time of my existence); pāriththu — being eager; thān — he (who is beyond limits); ennai — me (who is insignificant); muṝa — fully; paruginān — drank;; kār okkum — like a dark cloud (which drinks ocean); kātkarai appan — the benefactor who is standing in thirukkākarai; kadiyan — is very quick (in not allowing others to enjoy).; kadiyanāy — being ahead of kamsa-s thoughts; kanjanaik konṛa — one who killed kamsa
3738 ## கடியனாய்க் கஞ்சனைக் * கொன்ற பிரான் தன்னை * கொடி மதிள் தென் குருகூர்ச் * சடகோபன் சொல் ** வடிவு அமை ஆயிரத்து * இப் பத்தினால் சன்மம் முடிவு எய்தி * நாசம் கண்டீர்கள் எம் கானலே (11)
These ten songs, from the beautiful thousand of Kurukūr Caṭakōpaṉ, praise the great Benefactor who swiftly vanquished Kañcaṉ. To those who chant them, they will ensure the destruction of the mirage of Saṃsāra and halt the recurrence of birth.
Explanatory Notes
The chanters of this decad, it is claimed, will get the terrific cycle of birth and rebirth halted, by cutting out the bondage of Saṃsāra, the root-cause of the dreadful succession of lives. The family ties and sensual pleasures breed empty and worthless desires and running after them is just as futile and meaningless as trying to quench one’s thirst, mistaking the mirage
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
pirān thannai — krishṇa, the great benefactor; kodi madhil̤ — wall around fort, having flag; then kurugūr — leader of āzhvārthirunagari; satakŏpan — nammāzhvār; sol — mercifully spoke; vadivu amai — rich, due to presenting bhagavān-s qualities in a nice form; āyiraththu — among the thousand pāsurams; ippaththināl — by this decad; em — our; sanmam — births; mudivu eydhi — reaching the end; kānal — samsāra, the mirage; nāsam kaṇdīr — will be destroyed.; em kānal agam kazhivāy — residing in the salt pan inside the garden on the seashore, to be considered as ours, to be engaged in your service; irai thĕrndhu — with liking towards the food here, highlighting your great relationship