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PAT 2.1.6
He stole and swallowed ghee, milk and yogurt that we, the cowherd women kept. He comes as a goblin and frightens us, that dear one comes as a goblin and frightens us. 123 செப்பிளமென்முலைத்
PAT 1.1.4
Thirukkottiyur) The women of Aipādi, Mathura took the uri, rolled the pots in front of their houses and The fragrant ghee, milk and yogurt spilled all over and they were filled with frenzied joy and their
PT 10.7.8
Yashodā says, “The cowherd women got together and called me. They said, ‘See, we kept the fermented yogurt, fragrant ghee and milk in various pots, but they are all empty now. ’ I felt ashamed and told my friends, ‘He is my dear lord! How could I scold my child who drank milk from the devil Putanā and killed her?
PT 5.1.5
Our lord Māyan with a discus in his hand who stole the yogurt, ghee and milk hidden by Yashodā, the stays happily in beautiful Pullambudangudi where cranes with red legs go to the flourishing fields and search for red aral fish to eat and the Vediyars, never telling lies, recite the Vedās. 1352 மையார்தடங்கண்கருங்கூந்தல்
PT 10.6.10
surrounded with flourishing fields, composed a garland of Tamil pāsurams worshiping the feet of the lord and describing his deeds, how he was tied to a mortar by the cowherd women when he stole milk, yogurt and ghee from the uri, swallowed them and filled his stomach, and how even when the cowherd women saw him, he was not worried and did not feel shy. If devotees learn and recite these pāsurams they will have no troubles in their lives and will find happiness
PT 10.5.3
When you rolled away the pots and swallowed the yogurt and the ghee, the cowherd women thought that They tied you up with a rope and hit you with their hands ornamented with rings.
PT 7.7.6
When you were given good yogurt and ghee you ate them and laughed, but then your mother Yasodha tied you to a mortar and you cried but you were strong enough to pull the mortar. You are a child for the people of the earth and the god of gods in the sky and you are the four yugas , Krta, Treta, Dvapara and the Kaliyuga.
PAT 2.4.7
Since your birth, I have not seen good milk the churned yogurt and the butter that I put on the uri. careful not to speak of these things in front of others because they may gossip, "I’m your stepmother and "Come and bathe in the fragrant turmeric water. 158 கறந்தநற்பாலும் தயிரும் கடைந்துஉறிமேல்வைத்த வெண்ணெய்
PAT 3.1.5
You swallow the butter and the curd three times a day, that the cowherd women churn and keep. You make the pots that the cowherds carry on their shoulders fall and drink the yogurt. You sob and sob like the children who want to drink milk from their mothers. Dear child, I know who you are and I’m afraid to give you food. 227 முப்போதும்கடைந்தீண்டியவெண்ணெயி
PMT 2.4
My heart praises and worships the divine feet of the devotees of Ranga who call, worship, melt and praise You were not afraid that Yashodā might punish you when she saw you stealing and eating the butter, good yogurt and milk. You stood there bravely and tapped your arms in front of her. ” 661 தோய்த்ததண்தயிர்வெண்ணெய்பாலுடன்உண்டலும்
PMT 6.2
“You saw a lovely girl with beautiful fish-like eyes churning yogurt in her home, close by and you entered her house stealthily and said, ‘I will also churn yogurt fast with you. ’ I truly know how you churned the yogurt, casting a secret glance, with your dangling hair decorated with flowers that swarm with bees, let loose, your bright face sweating and your red mouth quivering!
TVM 8.5.10
The famous five elements and all derived from them are like bodies to You, latent in fresh-drawn milk like ghee. The milk is churned into butter, which again is melted into ghee. But none can, on the face of it, perceive the presence of ghee in milk. •kaRandha pAl - The ghee which appears over time and due to the churning, will not be visible while extracting
TVM 8.1.7
3569 Sweet as fresh-drawn milk and the ghee that follows, You are, my Lord, the very essence of sweetness in ghee, the ambrosia from the ocean with its delightful contents, the joy that comes from such sweetness (which is the essence of milk), neyyin — ghee-s, in — sweet, suvaiyE — being the taste, kadalinuL — •neyyE - the essence of milk, ghee. •neyyin in suvaiyE - Oh one who is the sweet taste of ghee!
TVM 3.4.5
from the fine milk ocean. Is He the delicious cream, a meal with six tastes, or honey as flavorful as fruit, ghee, or milk? ), lavaNa (salty), katu (pungent), kashAya (astringent), thiktha (bitter)), adisil — rice, ney — of ghee Should I call him as tasty ghee [here ney is considered directly as ghee]?  Should I call him milk?
PT 1.5.6
The lord dark as a kāyām flower drank the poisonous milk of Putanā when she came as a mother and killed her, stole yogurt and butter and swallowed them in the cowherd village, and went as a pure handsome king Mahabali’s sacrifice, asked him, “Give me three feet of land now, ” received the land, grew tall and measured the seven worlds and the sky with his marvelous feet. O heart, let us go and worship that lord of there. 993 தாயாய்வந்தபேயுயிரும் தயிரும்இழுதும்உடனுண்ட வாயான்
PT 6.10.3
He, the Lord of Naraiyur fought the mighty-eyed elephant Kuvalayābeedam and broke its tusks. He churned the milky ocean, took the nectar and gave it to the gods and embraced Lakshmi who came out of the milky ocean. Shameless, he stole and ate the yogurt and butter kept by Yashodā the cowherdess with hair that swarmed Praise his name and say, “Namo Narāyanāya. ” 1540 பூணாதனலும்தறுகண்வேழம்மறுக * வளைமருப்பை பேணான்வாங்கி
TVM 2.3.1
Thanks to you, this vassal can mingle with Matucūtaṉ, my Lord and the Chief of Nithyasuris, and merge into Him like honey, milk, nectar, and candy. all these delicacies or the mixture of like things only, (i.e.) honey with honey, milk with milk, nectar honey, pAlum — like milk and milk, neyyum — like ghee and ghee, kannalum — like sugar and sugar, amudhum , milk and milk mixing, ghee and ghee mixing, sugar and sugar mixing, necatar and nectar mixing".
TP 1.2
Singing in praise of the feet of the supreme lord resting on the milky ocean, we don't eat ghee, don't drink milk. kAtti — we give that much;, nei uNNOm — we would not eat ghee;, pAl uNNOm — would not consume milk;, , Milk etc. /ghee, instead of saying ‘drink’ milk/ghee.
PAT 2.2.2
I have not seen the heated ghee, the boiled milk, thick curd and fragrant butter that I kept, since the Smiling with your pearl-like teeth, come and drink milk from my breast. 129 வைத்தநெய்யும்காய்ந்தபாலும்
PT 5.2.3
Kudalur where the cheating cranes steal kāyal fish in the fields is the place of the god who ate yogurt when he was a child and now has entered heart of me, his devotee. 1360 பிள்ளையுருவாய்த் தயிருண்டு *

Record Type

Divya Desam


Periyāzhvār Thirumozhi
Nāchiyār Thirumozhi
Perumāl Thirumozhi
Thiruchanda Virutham
Periya Thirumozhi
1st Thiruvandāthi
2nd Thiruvandāthi
3rd Thiruvandāthi
Nānmuhan Thiruvandāthi
Periya Thiruvandāthi
Siriya Thirumaḍal
Periya Thirumaḍal
Rāmānuja Nutrandāthi

Divya Desam

Thirumālirum Solai
Thiru naraiyoor
Thiruvāli Thirunagari
Thiru VaDa mathurai
Thiru Chitra Koodam
Thiruk kaDal mallai
Thiru Neermalai
Thiru Vadariāshramam
Thiru Valla Vāzh
Thiru AyOdhi
Thiru Vekkā
Thiru Dwārakai
Thiru Kannamangai
Thiru MoozhikkaLam
Thiru Allik Keni
Thiru Nāvāi
Thiru EvvuL
Thiru Sālagrāmam
Thirup Puliyur
Thirup Pādagam
Thiru mOgur
Thirumanimāda Koil
Thirup Prithi
Thiru Arimeya Vinnagaram
Thiru Eda Vendhai
Thiru Indhalur
Thiru Kannankudi
Thiru Nandhipura Vinnagaram
Thiru Nāgai
Thiru Pullambudangudi
Thiru SingavEzhkundram
Thiru Sireevaramangai
Thiru Tholaivillimangalam
Thiru Vann vandur
Thiru Vattāru
Thiru Velliyankudi
Thiruk Kāvalampādi
Thiruk Kāzhi Srirāma Vinnagaram
Thiru Aheendrapuram
Thiru KanDamennum KaDinagar
Thiru Kudalur
Thiru Naimisāranyam
Thiru ParamEswara Vinnagaram
Thiru Pārthan Palli
Thiru Semponsei Koil
Thiru Vaikundha Vinnagaram
Thirumanik Koodam
Thirutthetri ambalam
Thiruvann Purudothamam
Annan Koil
Thiru Sirupuliyur
Thiru Thevanār Thogai
Thanjaimāmani Koil
Thiru Ooragam
Thiru VithuvakkOdu
Thiru vElukkai
Thiru Thalai Changa Nānmadhiyam
Thiru Anbil
Thiru Kavithalam
Thiru Nindravoor
Thiru Ādhanur
Thiru Neeragam
Thiru Nilā Thingal Thundam
Thiru PavaLavannam
Thiruk KaLvanur
Thiruk Kāragam
Thiruk Kārvanam