Chapter 3

Cowherd girls asking Kannan to give back their clothes - (கோழி அழைப்பதன்)

துகிலைப் பணித்தருள் எனல்
Cowherd girls asking Kannan to give back their clothes - (கோழி அழைப்பதன்)
"The cowherd women woke up early, even before the rooster crowed (at dawn). They went to the nearby pond to bathe. They thought that Krishna, who was still sleeping, wouldn't wake up before sunrise. However, Krishna had arrived there before them and hidden. He took their clothes and sat on a nearby Kurunthu tree. 'O mischievous one! O dear child of + Read more
ஆயர் பெண்கள் கோழி கூவும் முன்பே (விடியற்காலையில்) எழுந்தார்கள். நீராடுவதற்கு அருகிலுள்ள பொய்கைக்குச் சென்றனர். உறங்கும் கண்ணன் சூரியன் உதிக்கும்முன்பு எழுந்திருக்கமாட்டான் என்று நினைத்தனர். ஆனால், கண்ணன் கோபியர் வருவதற்குமுன்பே அங்கு வந்து மறைந்திருந்தான்; இவர்களது சேலைகளைக் கவர்ந்துகொண்டான்; + Read more
Verses: 524 to 533
Grammar: Aṟuchīrk Kaḻinediladi Āsiriya Viruththam / அறுசீர்க் கழிநெடிலடி ஆசிரிய விருத்தம்
Recital benefits: Will go to Vaikuṇṭam and remain there always with the Lord
  • Verse 1:
    524. We got up in the morning before the rooster crowed and came to bathe, plunging into the water. Our beloved sun god rises coming on his chariot. O! You rest on a snake bed! You give us a lot of trouble. We won’t come to the pond from now on. I and my friends worship you. Give us our clothes.
  • Verse 2:
    525. Why did you come here, dear one, how did you come to this pond? You, the Māyan, as sweet as nectar, are adorned with a thulasi garland dripping with honey. O, clever one! We are not destined to be with you. Don’t take our clothes like this. You who danced on the snake Kālingan, give us back the clothes you put on the kurundam tree.
  • Verse 3:
    526. It is early morning. What is this childishness? If my relatives see this, they won’t like it, but you don’t think what you do is naughty. You sit on the kurundam tree and we can’t reach you. We will give you whatever you want. Give us back our clothes. We will go away and no one will see your mischief. O god you destroyed Lankā with your bow,
  • Verse 4:
    527. O God who destroyed Lankā! Your eyes are wide open and you look everywhere. Can't you see the tears that flood our eyes, as we still stay inside the deep waters? Don't you have mercy? We wonder if you are the king of monkeys. Give us back the clothes you put on the kurundam tree.
  • Verse 5:
    528. We are in the pond and valai and kayal fish are biting our feet. Our brothers will come with spears to chase you, if they hear our voice. What game is this? O lord with a beautiful dark-colored body, don’t stay on the kurundam tree with our beautiful clothes. Give us back our silk clothes.
  • Verse 6:
    529. The stalks of the lotus plants that bloom in the pond hurt our feet and it feels as if scorpions are biting us. We can’t bear the pain. We can’t stay in the water for a long time. You, the king, can throw pots in the sky and dance the Koothu dance. Don’t be mischievous. Give us back our silk clothes.
  • Verse 7:
    530. We are standing in the water, tired while you are doing things you shouldn’t. O omniscient One! You know what will happen when the world ends. We really love you. Our houses are far away. If our mothers see us, they won’t like it. Drop our silk clothes down to us. Don’t sit on the top of the kurundam tree blooming with flowers.
  • Verse 8:
    531. All the women, the mothers-in-law and others are here bathing. We couldn’t close our beautiful flower-like eyes in the night thinking of your naughty acts. This isn’t good for us. We are telling you about all the troubles you cause. You are the beautiful jewel-like son of the cowherd village. Give us the clothes back that you put on the kurundam tree.
  • Verse 9:
    532. You escaped from the trap of Kamsan and survived in the dark night when you were born. Is it because you wanted to bother us like this? Yashodā loves you so much that she doesn’t scold you even if you are naughty. She just leaves you to do whatever you want. You weren’t ashamed to drink the milk of the wicked Rakshasi Putanā. Give us back our clothes.
  • Verse 10:
    533. Vishnuchithan Kodai the chief of Puduvai surrounded by golden palaces composed with beautiful music a garland of ten Tamil pāsurams describing the play of the dark lord with the young girls. If devotees learn and recite these pāsurams they will go to Vaikuntam and be with the eternal god Mādhavan.