Chapter 14

Devotees seeing Kannan in Vrindavan - (பட்டி மேய்ந்து)

விருந்தாவனத்துக் கண்ணனைக் கண்டமை
Devotees seeing Kannan in Vrindavan - (பட்டி மேய்ந்து)
How can the Lord bear it if those who are dear to Him suffer? Andal, separated from Krishna, was deeply distressed. To alleviate her suffering, Krishna stood before her, giving her His divine presence. Andal describes how she saw Krishna in Vrindavan: playing and grazing the cows, playing with His friends, Garuda spreading his wings to shield Him from + Read more
தன்னைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள் துன்புற்றால் பகவான் எப்படிப் பொறுத்துக்கொள்வான்? கண்ணனைப் பிரிந்து ஆண்டாள் பெருந்துன்பமடைந்தாள். அத்துன்பமெல்லாம் தீருமாறு கண்ணன் ஆண்டாள் எதிரில் நின்று சேவை தருகிறான். கண்ணன் பசுக்களை மேய்த்து விளையாடுவதையும், தோழர்களோடு விளையாடுவதையும், அவன்மீது வெயில் படாமல் + Read more
Verses: 637 to 646
Grammar: Aṟuchīrk Kaḻinediladi Āsiriya Viruththam / அறுசீர்க் கழிநெடிலடி ஆசிரிய விருத்தம்
Recital benefits: Will live under the divine feet of the Lord without leaving him
  • Verse 1:
    637. "Did you see that dark bull-like one playing like a young calf, running behind his brother Baladeva?" “We saw him grazing the cows and giving them water. He loves them and plays with them in Brindavan (Madhura). ”
  • Verse 2:
    638. “Did you see Govardhanān who left me and went to Gokulam, the cowherd village and fascinates everyone by stealing the butter, eating it and smelling of ghee?" “We saw the dark one adorned with garlands made of forest flowers. playing with his mates in Brindavan (Mathura) He looked like the clouds shining with lightning. "
  • Verse 3:
    639. "Did you see Him who is the personification of beauty, the One who symbolizes Love and the One who tells incredible lies? Did you see Him here? "We saw Garudā, the son of Vinadai, spreading his wings to protect Him from the heat, here in Brindavan (Mathura).
  • Verse 4:
    640. “He attracted me with his dark beautiful lotus eyes, tied me to him with his love, pulled me and played with me. Did you see Him?” “We saw Him. He was like a baby elephant covered with a cloth decorated with pearls. We saw him sweating and playing in Brindavan (Madhura). ”
  • Verse 5:
    641. “Did you see Madhavan, my lord, my jewel? who is like a boar that has been caught in a net and escaped? Has no one seen him? Doesn’t he want to show himself to anyone?” “We saw him. He was like a dark baby cloud wearing golden clothes as he came on the street in Brindavan (Mathura). ”
  • Verse 6:
    642. “Did you see the naughty one, his beautiful eyebrows bending like his Sārangam bow? He doesn’t have any compassion for the young girls who love him and is always bothering them. He doesn’t know how to get along with others. ” “We saw the dark one with a fair face. He looked like the bright sun rising from behind a hill. We saw him in Brindavan (Mathura). ”
  • Verse 7:
    643. “Did you see Him, beautiful and dark as a cloud? Is his mind as dark as his body? He makes many promises to girls but doesn’t keep them. Doesn’t he have any compassion?” “We saw Him. He was bright as the sky filled with stars when he came with a big crowd in Brindavan (Mathura). ”
  • Verse 8:
    644. “Did you see generous Thirumāl carrying a white conch and a discus and adorned with golden clothes?” “We saw him as his lovely fragrant hair fell on his large arms, like bees that swarm with glee, while he played in Brindavan (Mathura). ”
  • Verse 9:
    645. “He created Nānmuhan on a beautiful lotus growing from his navel, so that Nānmuhan could create the whole world. Did you see the faultless lord who created this world and plays in it?” “We saw Him fighting and killing the demon Thenuhan the elephant Kuvalayāpeedam and Bakasura in the forest. We saw him in Brindavan (Mathura). ”
  • Verse 10:
    646. Vishnuchithan Kodai composed pāsurams about seeing in Brindavan (Mathura), the supreme lord who gave His grace to Gajendra the elephant. Those who keep these pāsurams in their minds as a cure will live under the divine feet of the lord without leaving Him.