Chapter 10

Pay obeisance to Thirumālirum Solai - (கிளர் ஒளி)

திருமாலிருஞ்சோலை மலையை வணங்குக
Two mountains, namely, Thirumālirum Solai and Thiruvenkadam, represent Sri Bhoodevi’s bosoms. Bhagavān relishes both these mountains. This segment is about Mount Thirumālirum Solai. The act of meditating about this mountain, paying obeisance and residing on this mountain even for a few days are deemed great deeds as Azhagar relishes residing here. “Do
பூதேவியின் திருமார்பகமாக விளங்குவன இரண்டு மலைகள். ஒன்று திருவேங்கடம்; மற்றொன்று திருமாலிருஞ்சோலை மலை. பகவானுக்கு இவ்விரண்டு மலைகளிலும் விருப்பம் மிகுதி. இது திருமாலிருஞ்சோலையைப் பற்றிய பகுதி. அழகர் விரும்பியுறையும் இம்மலையை நினைப்பதும், வணங்குவதும், இம்மலையில் சில நாட்களேனும் வாழ்வதும்
Verses: 3002 to 3012
Grammar: Kaliviruththam / கலிவிருத்தம்
Pan: நாட்டம்
Timing: 12-1.12 PM
Recital benefits: will reach His feet
  • Verse 1:
    Before youth fades away, one should go to Māliruñcōlai, the hill retreat full of orchards. This beautiful place is where the wondrous Lord, full of growing splendor and radiance, always resides.
  • Verse 2:
    It's better to ignore the tricks and charms of young damsels and instead meditate on Māliruñcōlai for your own benefit. The Moon graces its peaks, and the conch sound is pervasive in the temple of our Lord Azhagar.
  • Verse 3:
    My mind, stop wasting time on pointless deeds and go to the mountain near Māliruñcōlai, a lovely and fertile place. It's surrounded by beautiful orchards and is the favorite abode of the cloud-hued Lord.
  • Verse 4:
    Go to Māliruñcōlai, where rain clouds hover and the Lord resides forever. There, we can serve Him and break free from tough karmic bonds. His presence radiates the glory of His great act of saving Mount Govardhan.
  • Verse 5:
    Don't let your energy scatter or your sins increase. Instead, go to the mountain near Māliruñcōlai, surrounded by beautiful, clear waterfalls. The Lord, who is devoted to protecting His followers and holds the benevolent discus, resides there.
  • Verse 6:
    Stop engaging in lowly deeds and focus on the path that leads to Māliruñcōlai. In this place, herds of deer and their young ones live together, and our Lord who once ate all the butter hanging from hoops, resides there.
  • Verse 7:
    It's best to connect yourself respectfully with Māliruñcōlai, where the clear Moon shines and the Lord, who once saved the Earth as a unique Boar, resides. Teach your mind this good advice and avoid sinking into despair.
  • Verse 8:
    Build your strength, but don't waste it. Instead, visit Māliruñcōlai every day, where the wondrous shepherd Kṛṣṇa, our great Benefactor, resides. Even celestials come down, circumambulate, and move around there.
  • Verse 9:
    Avoid being caught up in grave sins. Take this fair and wise advice: it's best to resolve to worship at Māliruñcōlai, where young elephants gather. There, you will find the grand temple of the Lord who defeated the wicked demoness.
  • Verse 10:
    Stop gambling and stealing. Instead, aim for Mount Māliruñcōlai, your ultimate destination, where flowers bloom beautifully and pairs of peacocks rejoice. There, you will find the temple where the Lord, who long ago revealed the teachings of the Scriptures, resides with love.
  • Verse 11:
    These ten songs, selected from the thousand imparted by the mighty Caṭakōpaṉ of Kurukūr, provide us with clear and concise knowledge about the Lord who possesses many auspicious traits and created the worlds. They will end the cycle of Saṃsāra and bring us to His merciful feet.