Chapter 7

Praising the conch - (கருப்பூரம் நாறுமோ)

வலம்புரிக்குக் கிடைத்த பேறு
Praising the conch - (கருப்பூரம் நாறுமோ)
"White Conch! Panchajanya! Among the five divine weapons, you have gained the greatest fortune! How can one describe the blessings you have received? You are in contact with the ruby-red lips of Lord Krishna! You taste the nectar of His mouth! The wealth you have attained is immense! Even Indra cannot match you! But there is one thing! It is not fair
வெண் சங்கே! பாஞ்சசன்னியமே! பஞ்சாயுதங்களுள் நீயே பெரும்பேறு பெற்றவன்! நீ அடைந்த பாக்கியத்தை என்ன வென்று கூறுவது! கண்ணபிரான் திருப்பவளச் செவ்வாயோடு தொடர்பு கொண்டுள்ளாய்! வாயமுதைப் பருகுகிறாய்! நீ பெற்ற செல்வமே பெருஞ்செல்வம்! இந்திரனும் உனக்கு நிகராக மாட்டான்! ஆனால் ஒன்று! எல்லா கோபியர்களுக்கும்
Verses: 567 to 576
Grammar: **Taravu Kocchakakkalippā / தரவு கொச்சகக்கலிப்பா
Recital benefits: Will be with the Lord
  • Verse 1:
    567. O white conch, born in the ocean, tell me—I ask you anxiously. He puts you in His mouth to blow What is the taste and the fragrance of the mouth of Mādhavan who broke the tusks of the elephant? Does it have the fragrance of camphor? Does it have the fragrance of a lotus flower? Does his beautiful red coral mouth taste sweet?
  • Verse 2:
    568. O beautiful conch! You were born in the ocean, you grew up in the body of the Asuran Pānchajanyam But now you are blessed to rest in His hand, You make the sound of victory when he conquers the evil Asurans.
  • Verse 3:
    569. You are a wonderful conch! Like the full moon that rises from behind the large mountain, in autumn, you stay in the hands of Vasudevan the king of northern Madhura.
  • Verse 4:
    570. O beautiful large valampuri conch, You stay in Damodaran's hand, like the shining moon in the sky. Staying so close, do you say any mantras in his ears? Even Indra the king of gods does not have the fortune of closeness that you have.
  • Verse 5:
    571. O Pānchajanyam! Others were born along with you in the ocean, but they do not receive the respect that you do. You drink constantly the nectar from the mouth of the king Madhusūdanan.
  • Verse 6:
    572. O Valampuri conch, You have not gone to the Ganges or on other pilgrimages to bathe, You rest in the hands of lovely-eyed Thirumāl who destroyed the Asurans when they came as marudam trees. You have the good fortune of plunging into the divine water that comes from his mouth.
  • Verse 7:
    573. O king of conches, Like a swan that stays on a fresh red lotus flower and drinks honey, you are in the beautiful hands of Vāsudevan with a dark body and red eyes and you stay with him. Your good fortune is truly wonderful.
  • Verse 8:
    574. O Pānchajanyam, the food you eat is the nectar that springs from His mouth The place where you rest and sleep is the hand of the ocean-colored god who measured the world Like this you do many things that make women jealous and they complain loudly about your good luck,
  • Verse 9:
    575. O fortunate conch! When the sixteen thousand consorts of Madhavan wait to taste the nectar from His mouth, you enjoy His closeness and the dripping nectar from His mouth always. Won't they get angry seeing this?
  • Verse 10:
    576. Pattarpirān Kodai, famed in rich Puduvai, composed ten Tamil pāsurams describing Padmanābhan with the Pānchajanyam conch. Those who learn and recite these pāsurams will be near Him.