TVM 3.3.8

வேங்கடமலை தொழுதால் தீவினை மாளும்

3042 குன்றமேந்திக் குளிர்மழைகாத்தவன் *
அன்றுஞாலமளந்தபிரான் * பரன்
சென்றுசேர் திருவேங்கடமாமலை *
ஒன்றுமேதொழ நம்வினையோயுமே. (2)
3042. ##
kunRam Enthik * kuLirmazai kātthavan, *
anRu NYālam * aLantha pirān, * paran
senRu sEr * _thiru vEngada māmalai, *
onRumEthoza * namvinai OyumE. (2) 3.3.8








Divya Desam

Simple Translation

Worship we shall Tiruvēṅkaṭam, the halo’d mountain, Favourite resort of the Benefactor great, who repelled the chill rains, Holding mount (Govardhana) aloft and who the worlds did once span; That’s enough to extricate us from all our sins.

Explanatory Notes

Here again, the over-riding importance of the Sacred Mount vis-a-vis the Lord enshrined there, is emphasised. Mount Tiruvēṅkaṭam thus becomes the goal or destination of the Lord and His devotees alike. If it was Mount Govardhana during the Lord’s incarnation as Śrī Kṛṣṇa that shielded the subjects of Gokula it is now Mount Tiruvēṅkaṭam that operates as the Saviour, during His Arcā (Iconic) manifestation.

Word by word (WBW) meaning

(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
குன்றம் கோவர்த்தன மலையைக் குடையாக; ஏந்தி தூக்கி; குளிர் மழை குளிர்ந்த பெருமழையினின்று; காத்தவன் பசுக்களையும் ஆயர்களையும் காத்தவன்; அன்று ஞாலம் முன்பு உலகங்களை; அளந்த பிரான் அளந்த பெருமான்; பரன் அனைவருக்கும் மேலானவன்; சென்று சேர் வந்து சேர்ந்தவிடமான; திருவேங்கட மாமலை திருவேங்கட மாமலை; ஒன்றுமே தொழ ஒன்றை மட்டும் தொழுதாலே; நம் வினை நமது வினைகள் யாவும்; ஓயுமே தொலையும்
kuLir mazhai hailstorm (which troubled the cows and cowherd clan); kunRam a hill; Endhi lifted up; kAththavan being the protector; anRu back then (when the world was mischievously taken by mahAbali); gyAlam earth; aLandha measured; pirAn one who is the saviour (by entirely owning it); paran supreme lord; senRu went; sEr reached; thiruvEnkatam thiruvEnkatam; mA huge; malai divine hill; onRumE that alone; thozha experience (not having to follow any regulation such as reaching up to the dhESika (leader/lord)); nam our; vinai hurdles that are sins (that stop experiencing the leader); Oyum will naturally disappear

Detailed WBW explanation

Highlights from nampiLLai's vyAkyAnam as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai

  • kunRam Endhik kuLir mazhai kAththavan - Always, hill is used by emperumAn as an instrument to eliminate the hurdles. As said in  SrIvishNu purANam 4.11.13 “gOgOpIjanasangulam athIvArtham” (for the suffering cows, cowherd boys and girls), when the cows and cowherd clan were targeted
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