Verse 1: 2052. Shining like lightning, he is the four Vedās,
the light of a lamp, the rising crescent moon,
the past and the future.
Without sickness, old age, birth or death,
he is gold and diamond
and shines as the five elements–earth, water, fire, wind and sky.
He, my father, enters me with his true form
and I keep his divine shoot-like feet on my head.
Verse 2: 2053. He is fire, water, wind, sky and earth,
all religions and all the three gods,.
Shivā is colored red like fire, Nānmuhan is colored like gold
and Thirumāl is colored like the ocean—
our lord shines with all their three forms together.
Verse 3: 2054. Nedumal with his divine body who is far away
shone with the white color of a conch in the Treta yuga.
When he took the nectar from the milky ocean,
our divine Thirumāl had a dark blue color.
We cannot say that he has only one form,
we can only praise him saying
that he has different forms in each eon.
Who has seen the dark beautiful-eyed god?
Who can describe him?
Verse 4: 2055. Our lord who is more ancient than Indra and Nānmuhan.
is the five elements–the large earth, wind, fire water and sky,
the beautiful sound of Tamil,
the words of the northern language,
the four directions, the sun and moon.
Even the gods in the sky do not know him and his divine nature.
He is the secret of the mantras of the Vedās
that the Vediyars recite in the evening.
O ignorant heart, do not forget those mantras.
If you recite them always and live, you will be saved.
Verse 5: 2056. When he came as a dwarf to king Mahābali’s sacrifice,
he measured the earth and the ocean with one foot
and he raised his other foot to the wide sky
spreading over all the eight directions
and crossed the cool moon, the sun and the stars
and went still above,
going beyond all the thoughts in the Asuran Mahābali’s mind.
I worship the flower-like divine feet of my father
that measured the whole earth and the sky.
Verse 6: 2057. He, the god of the gods, is generous
and he gives to his devotees
as much as they want with his ample hands.
He rides on the beautiful-winged Garudā,
conquers the Asuras, not giving them his grace.
O heart, let us go and praise his feet in beautiful Thirukkovalur
where the Pennai river flows flourishing
through many lands filling ponds with its water
and bringing with its waves
tall bamboo plants that throw out pearls
and leaving gold on its banks.
Verse 7: 2058. He came as ParasuRāman, fought with kings
whose arms are wide and strong as mountains,
conquered them and ruled the world,
and he conquered Murugan
who threw his spear at the ocean to fight with Asurans.
He stays in Thirukkovalur
where famous king Malaiyarasan worshiped him,
surrounded by fragrant groves
and filled with long streets and lotus ponds,
guarded by Durga, the lovely chaste goddess of the Vindya mountains.
O heart, come, let us go and worship him there.
Verse 8: 2059. You are in the hearts of your devotees
and in Thiruneeragam, on the top of Thiruneermalai,
Nilāthingalthundam in Thiruppadi,
Thiruvuragam in flourishing Thirukkachi,
and Thiruvekka surrounded with flourishing water.
The whole world worships you Thirukkalvā, the god of Thirukkāragam and Thirukkārvanam.
O thief, you stay in the sky and in Thirupper (Koiladi)
where on the southern bank of the Kāviri
beautiful flowers bloom in the groves.
You, the highest one, stay in my heart and you will not leave me.
I worship only your divine feet.
Verse 9: 2060. You stay in Thirukadalmallai on the ocean
where ships bring precious diamonds
and in Thirukkachi surrounded with forts and in Thirupper (Koiladi).
As part of your body, you have Shivā,
adorned with a beautiful kondrai garland dripping with honey
who shares his body with Shakthi, the daughter of the king of the Himalayas.
You, the highest in the world, beautiful as coral (Thiruppavalavannā),
rest on Adisesha on the milky ocean
and stay on the peak of the Himalayas, the snow mountains.
I, a poor man, wander everywhere looking for you.
Verse 10: 2061. You, the famous one, guarded the seven worlds
and I am your poor devotee.
What can I do except prattle on, saying,
“What are you? Who are you?”
You are the god of the southern, northern, eastern and western lands
praised by the whole world,
the first among the gods, a bright light worshiped by all.
You are the past and the future.
You, the origin of all, stay in Thirumuzhikkalam.