Decade 4

பத்து 4

  • Chapter 1: Advise that wealth is ephemeral and self realization is lowly whereas serving the Lord is the highest goal - (ஒரு நாயகமாய்)
  • Chapter 2: Mother laments for her daughter's separation from Bhagavān - (பாலன் ஆய்)
  • Chapter 3: Joy upon uniting with the Lord - (கோவை வாயாள்)
  • Chapter 4: Mother laments that the fake objects are no substitute to mollify her daughter’s separation anxiety
  • Chapter 5: Exultation upon the Lord's presence - (வீற்றிருந்து ஏழ்)
  • Chapter 6: Removal of frenzy - (தீர்ப்பாரை யாம்)
  • Chapter 7: Pleading the Lord to come and bless - (சீலம் இல்லா)
  • Chapter 8: Detachment from those that the Lord dislikes - (ஏறு ஆளும்)
  • Chapter 9: Detesting worldly pleasures, Āzhvār pleads the Lord for liberation - (நண்ணாதார் முறுவலிப்ப)
  • Chapter 10: The supremacy of Sriman Nārāyanā over other demi gods - (ஒன்றும் தேவும்)