3950. There are Vedānta scholars who say,
“This is the meaning of the Vedās.
The highest is Brahmān and all the souls will leave the body
and join the ancient PaRaman. ”
Rāmānujā, the ocean of truth argued with them
and defeated them in disputation about Vedānta.
Word by Word (WBW) meaning
(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
pĕdhaiyar — ūnlike those who did not accept vĕdhas as authority, the illiterates who accepted vĕdhas as the authority, but misinterpreted the meaning of vĕdhas; vĕdhap porul̤ idhu enṛu unni — who (try to) prove that such is the meaning of vĕdhas,; ŏdhi — and establish that; piramam — brahmam; nanṛenṛu — is a distinguished one,; māṝellā uyirum — the group of jeevāthmās (and non-sentient) which are different (from such brahmam); ahdhu enṛu — are same as brahmam itself,; uyirgal̤ — the group of jeevāthmās; mey vittu — when leaving from the body (which gives wrong reflections like thinking that there are many moons when looking in mirrors); onṛam — would realiśe that there is only one (in existence), (they say so),; ādhi — one who is the cause of everything; paranŏdu — that is the sarvasmāthparan, emperumān, (that is, distinguishable from and greater than everything),; enṛu sollum — them saying such things,; avalllal ellām — all such sayings (were won by); irāmānusan — emperumānār,; mey madhik kadal — he who is the ocean of knowledge of thathvam,; em — and who is our lord,; vādhil venṛān — for the upliftment of the world, he debated with them and won them.; ŏh! how kind of him to do this! — is the interpretation.; allal — making noise; their sound of words;