TVM 9.3.3

நோய்களைத் தீர்க்கும் மருந்து நாராயணனே

3697 அறிந்தனவேத வரும்பொருள்நூல்கள் *
அறிந்தனகொள்க அரும்பொருளாதல் *
அறிந்தனரெல்லாம் அரியைவணங்கி *
அறிந்தனர் நோய்களறுக்கும்மருந்தே.
3697 aṟintaṉa veta * arum pŏrul̤ nūlkal̤ *
aṟintaṉa kŏl̤ka * arum pŏrul̤ ātal **
aṟintaṉar ĕllām ariyai vaṇaṅki *
aṟintaṉar * noykal̤ aṟukkum marunte (3)


Kēdāra / கேதார


Ādi / ஆதி



Simple Translation

The texts, delving into the profound truths of the Vedas, perceive the Lord as singular and challenging to fully grasp. Even the knowledgeable ones who devoutly worship Him often regard Him merely as a remedy for their afflictions and misfortunes, failing to recognize His role as the ultimate source of boundless bliss and failing to adore Him accordingly.

Explanatory Notes

The Vedas proclaimed, “Vedāha metaṃ Puruṣaṃ Mahāntaṃ....”, that is, the Supreme Lord has been comprehended by them. But what indeed did they know except that the Lord is not easy of comprehension? The ‘Itihāsas’ (Rāmāyaṇa and Mahā-Bhārata) and the ‘Purāṇas’, which serve as the key to the study of the Vedas, fare no better. And what about the great sages like Vyāsa, Parāśara + Read more

Word by Word (WBW) meaning

(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
அறிந்தன அறிந்தனவாய் இருக்கும்; வேத வேதங்களின்; அரும் பொருள் அரும் பொருள்களை; நூல்கள் இதிஹாஸ புராணாதி நூல்கள்; அரும் எம்பெருமானை அறியத் தக்க; பொருள் ஆதல் பொருள் என்று; அறிந்தன கொள்க அறிந்ததாகக் கொள்ளவும்; அறிந்தனர் எல்லாம் ஞானிகள் எல்லாம்; அரியை எம்பெருமானை; வணங்க வணங்கி; நோய்கள் தங்களுடைய நோய்களைப்; அறுக்கும் மருந்தே போக்க வல்ல மருந்தாக; அறிந்தனர் அறிந்தார்கள்
arum difficult be known; porul̤ that which determines the nature of entities; nūlgal̤ ṣāsthrams such as braham sūthram, ithihāsams, purāṇams etc; arum difficult to be known; porul̤ādhal as an entity; aṛindhana as known; kol̤ga can be accepted;; aṛindhanar vaidhika purushas who knew as said in -aham vĕdhmi mahāthmānam-; ellām ariyai sarvĕṣvara who annihilates all sins; vaṇangi surrender; nŏygal̤ (their) great disease of samsāra (bondage in material realm); aṛukkum to sever; marundhĕ as the great medicine; aṛindhanar only knew as much.; nangal̤ our; bŏgam enjoyment-s

Detailed WBW explanation

Highlights from Nampil̤l̤ai's Vyākhyānam as documented by Vadakkuth Thiruvīdhip Pil̤l̤ai

  • ārindhana ... - The Vedas and the Śāstras, repositories of profound knowledge concerning the most elusive subjects; another interpretation posits that Śāstras such as the Brahmasūtra, Itihāsas, and Purāṇas elucidate the meanings of complex concepts found in the Vedas.

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