TVM 9.9.5

ஆயன் மனம் கல்லாகிவிட்டதோ? எப்படி உயிரைக் காப்பேன்

3765 யாமுடைநெஞ்சமும்துணையன்றாலோ!
ஆபுகும்மாலையுமாகின்றாலோ! *
அவனுடைத்தீங்குழலீருமாலோ! *
எம்மின்முன்அவனுக்குமாய்வராலோ! *
3765 yāmuṭai nĕñcamum tuṇai aṉṟu ālo *
ā puku mālaiyum ākiṉṟu ālo *
yāmuṭai āyaṉ taṉ maṉam kal ālo *
avaṉuṭait tīm kuzhal īrum ālo **
yāmuṭait tuṇai ĕṉṉum tozhimārum *
ĕmmil muṉ avaṉukku māyvar ālo *
yāmuṭai ār uyir kākkumāṟu ĕṉ?
avaṉuṭai arul̤pĕṟum potu arite (5)


Shankarābharaṇa / சங்கராபரண


Jambai / ஜம்பை


Nāyaki (lovelorn lady)

Simple Translation

Alas! My mind is of no use to me. It is evening, and the cows are due back home. Should Gopāl's enchanting flute tempt my heart and steal it, while His heart turns to stone? Pity! My friends are in great distress, burdened by my sorrowful state. How can I preserve my life when His grace is so dear to me?

Explanatory Notes

(i) If, as the Nāyakī puts it, her beloved Lord has become stonyhearted, she could as well take due note of it and give up pining for Him. But she couldn’t, having been attracted by the sweet strains from His magic flute, conveying, as it were, His pleadings. As Nampiḷḷai would have it, Kṛṣṇa, the Divine shepherd was trotting out excuses, such as, “I am sorry, I had to + Read more

Word by Word (WBW) meaning

(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
யாமுடை நெஞ்சமும் என் ஆத்மா; துணை அன்று ஆலோ! துணை இல்லாமல் தவிக்கிறதே!; ஆ புகு பசுக்கள் திரும்பி வரும்; மாலையும் மாலைப்பொழுதும்; ஆகின்று ஆலோ! வந்துவிட்டது அந்தோ!; யாமுடை ஆயன் தன் எம்முடைய கண்ணனின்; மனம் கல் மனம் கல்லாகி விட்டதோ!; அவனுடை அவனுடைய; தீம் குழல் புல்லாங்குழலின் இசையும்; ஈரும் ஆலோ! துன்புறுத்துகின்றனவே!; யாமுடை துணை என்னுடைய துணைவரென்று பேர்; என்னும் தோழிமாரும் பெற்றிருக்கின்ற தோழியரும்; எம்மில் முன் அவனுக்கு அவனை எப்போது அடைய; மாய்வர் ஆலோ! போகிறாய் என்று துன்புறுத்துகிறார்கள்; யாமுடை ஆர் உயிர் என் அருமையான உயிரை; காக்குமாறு என்? நான் எவ்வாறு காப்பது?; அவனுடை அருள் பெறும் அவனுடை அருள் பெறும்; போது அரிதே! பேறு அரிதாக இருக்கிறதே!
ā pugum cows coming through the entrance; mālaiyum evening time; āginṛu has arrived;; yāmudai āyan than krishṇa who is obedient to be our servitor, his; manam tender heart; kal has become hard like a rock;; avanudai his humble playing of; thīm kuzhal sweet flute; eerum is piercing me (reminding me of his tender heart);; yāmudai those who are fully subservient to us; thuṇai ennum to be said as companions; thŏzhimārum friends too; emmil mun ahead of us (who are immersed in him); avanukku for him; māyvar will be engaged in him;; avanudai arul̤ his mercy, which is the protection; peṛum to get; pŏdhu state; aridhu is difficult to attain;; yāmudai our; ār uyir our [here, our refers to āzhvār alone] āthmā (which is controlled exclusively by your mercy); kākkum āṛu means to protect; en which?; avanudai his; arul̤ favour of union

Detailed WBW explanation

Highlights from Nampiḷḷai's Vyākhyānam as documented by Vadakkuth Thiruvīdhip Piḷḷai

  • "yām ..." - As I perceived my heart as my own, it ceased to function as my ally. The dusk has approached, signaling the return of the cows; if the heart too fails to be a companion, should not the evening delay its onset slightly?

  • "yāmudai ..." - He remains unmoved in

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