(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion. Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
Ur Aya ellAm ozhiyAmE — without missing any of the divine abodes (entering all those places); Or Anai kombu osiththu Or Anai kOL viduththa sIrAnai — having attained the greatness of being partial by breaking the tusk of one elephant, kuvalayApIdam and removing the suffering of another elephant gajEndhran; sem kaN nediyAnai — having reddish eyes and being unreachable for me; thEn thuzhAy — (being separated from me) thuLasi with honey dripping from it; thArAnai — donning the garland; thAmaraipOl kaNNAnai — and having the eyes like lotus