TVM 4.10.4

எல்லாத் தெய்வங்கட்கும் நாயகன் நாரணனே

3225 பேசநின்றசிவனுக்கும்பிரமன்தனக்கும் பிறர்க்கும்
நாயகனவனே * கபாலநன்மோக்கத்துக் கண்டுகொண்மின் *
தேசமாமதிள்சூழ்ந்தழகாய திருக்குருகூரதனுள் *
ஈசன்பாலோரவம்பறைதல் என்னாவதுஇலிங்கியர்க்கே?
3225 peca niṉṟa civaṉukkum piramaṉ taṉakkum * piṟarkkum
nāyakaṉ avaṉe * kapāla nal mokkattuk * kaṇṭu kŏl̤miṉ **
teca mā matil̤ cūzhntu azhaku āya * tirukkurukūr ataṉul̤ *
īcaṉpāl or avam paṟaital * ĕṉ āvatu iliṅkiyarkke? (4)


Surutti / சுருட்டி


Jambai / ஜம்பை



Divya Desam

Simple Translation

What benefit do the followers of Iliṅkam gain, who base their beliefs on inference and talk of heresies? People who consider Civaṉ as the Supreme God, learn how the skull in his hand was redeemed. Know that Nārāyaṇa is the Supreme Lord to him, Brahmā, and others and He is the One enshrined in lovely Kurukūr, surrounded by smart and stately walls.

Explanatory Notes

(i) Those who determine the Supremacy of God, purely on the basis of inference, as well as those who assert the Supremacy of Śiva (Iliṅkam) and Brahmā, are disabused of their wrong notions by this song. Basing their stand on certain texts, in isolation, some people affirm the Supremacy of Śiva and some others look upon Brahmā, as the Supreme. There are, however, various + Read more

Word by Word (WBW) meaning

(The words may be rearranged to facilitate poetry to prose conversion (Aṉvayam). Please read the meanings (in black) continiously to form the sentence and understand the simple meaning of those verse.)
பேச நின்ற உங்களால் பரதெய்வமாகப் பேசப்படுகின்ற; சிவனுக்கும் சிவனுக்கும்; பிரமன் தனக்கும் பிரமனுக்கும்; பிறர்க்கும் மற்றுமுள்ள தேவதைகளுக்கும்; நாயகன் அவனே! தலைவன் நாராயணனே!; கபால கபாலம்; நல் மோக்கத்து விடுவிக்கப்பட்டதிலிருந்து; கண்டு கொள்மின் இதை அறிந்துகொள்ளலாம்; தேச மா மதிள் ஒளிமயமான மதிள்களால்; சூழ்ந்து அழகு ஆய சூழ்ந்த அழகான; திருக் குருகூர் அதனுள் திருக்குருகூரில்; ஈசன்பால் எம்பெருமான் விஷயத்தில்; ஓர் அவம் பறைதல் தப்பான பேச்சுக்களைப் பேசுவது; இலிங்கியர்க்கே லிங்கப்ப்ரமாண வாதிகளுக்கு; என் ஆவது? என்ன பயனைத் தரும்?
piraman thanakkum for brahmā (who is the creator of such rudhra and who is with the vast world which was created by him); piṛarkkum for the other dhĕvathās (who follow the orders of such brahmā and rudhra); nāyagan the lord; avanĕ sarvĕṣvaran only (who is revealed through the faultless vĕdhāntha); kabālam the skull (which became the begging bowl in the hands of rudhra after severing the head of brahmā); nal well (to break into thousand pieces); mŏkkaththu in mahābhāratham (which is known as fifth vĕdham, and is having documented) this elimination; kaṇdu koṇmin please see for yourself.; thĕsam being radiant; very great; madhil̤ fort; sūzhndhu surrounded by; azhagāya being beautiful due to that; thirukkurugūr adhanul̤ inside thirunagari; īsanpāl towards the natural sarvĕṣvaran (who clearly manifests such elimination of kapālam from rudhra-s hand); ŏr avam any lowly aspects such as his not being the lord; paṛaidhal committing [speaking]; ilingiyarkku for those ānumānikas who consider linga puraṇam etc as the pramāṇam (as authentic source of knowledge); ennāvadhu what is the benefit?; ilingaththu itta that which highlights worship of lingam; purāṇaththīrum you who are kudhrushtis due to being faithful to thāmasa (mode of ignorance) purāṇams

Detailed WBW explanation

Highlights from Nampiḷḷai's Vyākhyānam as documented by Vadakkuth Thiruvīdhip Piḷḷai

  • pĕsa ninṛa śivanukkum - They proclaim, "If you reference Śruti (Vedham), we can do likewise"; thus, if I elucidate that Emperumān's supremacy is illuminated by Nārāyaṇa Anuvākam (Purusha Sūktham, Nārāyaṇa Sūktham, etc.), you might also invoke certain Tāmasa (mode of ignorance) Purāṇams
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